Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2019/5/28
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター

◇ハンズオン東京 春のチャリティ・コンサート 2019
 Hands On Tokyo Spring Charity Concert 2019
◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest
◇ハンズオン東京 イベントスケジュール
 Please Save the Date! - Event Schedule

◇ハンズオン東京 春のチャリティ・コンサート 2019
 Hands On Tokyo Spring Charity Concert 2019

東日本大震災から8年目となる今年、3月1日に「ハンズオン東京スプリングチャリティーコンサート 2019」が、サントリーホール・ブルーローズにて開催されました。6回目の開催となるこのコンサートは、多様性とコラボレーションをコンセプトにし、日本の伝統音楽、ピアノ、声楽と、多くの方々が楽しめるような構成で行われました。この特別なイベントのために時間と才能を捧げてくれたすべてのパフォーマーに心より感謝いたします。

簑田 弘大(三味線)、長井 麻江(三味線)
岡崎 ゆみ(ピアノ)
真園 ありす(声楽)、清水 玲子(ピアノ)




The Sixth Annual Hands On Tokyo Spring Charity Concert 2019 was held at Suntory Hall, Blue Rose on March 1st, almost eight years to the day after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck off the Tohoku coastline.

The event centered around the diversity of the performers and their original collaborations amongst one another, and included traditional Japanese music, a pianist and a soprano. It was a very special event, and we want to thank all the performers for donating their time and talents to this event.

Kohdai Minoda (Shamisen), Mae Nagai (Shamisen)
Yumi Okazaki (Piano)
Alice Masono (Soprano), Reiko Shimizu (Piano)
Mako Hattori (MC)

250 people attended the event and we raised significant funds for people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Tohoku. In 2018, we were able to send volunteers to Tohoku several times, including children from Children's Homes and a boy scouts troop. Our volunteers did crucial tasks such as helping clear and prepare farmland and maintain a community building. We also organized the Baseball Project for Disaster Relief for middle school baseball teams from Tohoku, Kumamoto and Tokyo.

With your generous support, we will continue to pursue meaningful projects in Tohoku and to raise further awareness about the plight of those residing in Tohoku. We hope that you will continue to stay involved with our organization and watch how we grow our volunteer activities this year.

MC was Mako Hattori

Kohdai Minoda (Shamisen), Mae Nagai (Shamisen)

Yumi Okazaki (Piano)

Alice Masono (Soprano), Reiko Shimizu (Piano)
We welcomed an audience of around 250 people.
Thank you to all the volunteers.
Greetings from the Executive Director of Hands On Tokyo, Motoko Kawaguchi.
The event was a wonderful success, and all of us greatly appreciate your support!
Sponsor: British American Tobacco Japan, Ltd.

*Photos / Akira Ando

◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest

★Our Food Truck was "OOPEN!" for business at the BUDDY WALK event!


3月31日(日)、代々木公園で行われたNPO法人アクセプションズのイベント「BUDDY WALK」にハンズオン東京のボランティアが参加しました。「BUDDY WALK」は、ダウン症のある子供と家族、支援者が参加するウォーキングイベントで、ボランティアの皆さんには、会場準備や誘導など、イベント運営に関わるお手伝いや、スペシャルボランティア(ダウン症のある方のボランティア)の方のサポートをしていただきました。


On Sunday, March 31st, Hands On Tokyo volunteers participated in the Buddy Walk. The Buddy Walk, organized by the NPO Acceptions, is a walking event where children with Down Syndrome walk with their family members and supporters. Our volunteers helped in various areas of the event; Venue Preparation, Guidance, BUDDY with Special Volunteers (paired with volunteers with Down Syndrome and supporting their activities), etc.





4月6日(土) 、ハンズオン東京のボランティアは、東京都盲人福祉協会の英会話レッスンに参加しました。これは、東京都盲人福祉協会による視覚障がいのある方たちの英会話レッスンで、ボランティアの皆さんには、英会話の相手になっていただきます。

■English Conversation for the Visually Impaired

On Saturday, April 6th, Hands On Tokyo volunteers joined the English Conversation Program for the Visually Impaired. This is an English conversation class for about 15 adult students who are visually impaired. Volunteers have the opportunity to chat with the students and to share their experiences with them.

★This is the wonderful Achilles International Japan support team. Thank you for all your help!



■Blind Jogging

On Sunday, May 12th, Hands On Tokyo volunteers helped out “Blind Jogging” run by Achilles International Japan. In this project, volunteers assist visually challenged runners and walkers in Yoyogi Park. The next session will be held on Sunday, June 9th.


BNP パリバグループ:パンケーキ作りプロジェクト


■Corporate Volunteer Program
BNP Paribas: Pancake Project

On Wednesday, April 17th, BNP Paribas volunteers visited a children’s home and had an interactive activity with the children. Both the volunteers and thevchildren enjoyed making pancakes and beautifully decorating them. The children were very excited to decorate their pancakes as they wished and to interact with inspiring adults.


★コーポレート・ボランティア・プログラムに関するお問い合わせは info@handsontokyo.org で承ります。
★Corporate Volunteer Program Contact Email Address: info@handsontokyo.org

American Express株式会社:荒川清掃プロジェクト


■Corporate Volunteer Program
American Express: Arakawa River Cleaning Project

On Wednesday, April 24th, American Express corporate volunteers held an “Earth Day” activity at the Arakawa River. Volunteers picked up garbage and sorted it into various types. Although the weather was not that good, the volunteers did a great job collecting 49 bags of garbage in about one and half hours. The volunteers were surprised by the amount of garbage accumulated and realized the importance of environmental preservation.

◇ハンズオン東京 イベントスケジュール
 Please Save the Date! - Event Schedule

■7/26-8/2 - Baseball Project(アメリカ・ロサンゼルス、Los Angeles, U,S.A.)
■9/16 - LIVES TOKYO(東京ミッドタウン、Tokyo Midtown)
■10/20 - Day of Service(東麻布区民協働スペース、Higashi-Azabu Kumin Kyodo Space)
■11/8 - Taste for Volunteering(東京アメリカンクラブ、Tokyo American Club)

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2019 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo


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please e-mail us at; information@handsontokyo.org.