Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2019/8/28
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター

◇「LIVES TOKYO 2019」ボランティア募集!
 "LIVES TOKYO 2019" - Volunteers Needed!
 Hands On Tokyo received a Social Contribution Award
◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest
◇ハンズオン東京 イベントスケジュール
 Please Save the Date! - Event Schedule

◇「LIVES TOKYO 2019」ボランティア募集!
 "LIVES TOKYO 2019" - Volunteers Needed!



[ LIVES TOKYO 2019 ]

September 16th, 2019 at Tokyo Midtown

9月16日(祝)開催のイベント「LIVES TOKYO 2019」の運営サポートのボランティア募集を開始いたしました。

ボランティアのサインアップは [ こちら ]


We will have the LIVES TOKYO 2019 event on Monday (Holiday), September 16th, at Tokyo Midtown. Volunteers will help out with running the event at various areas!

For volunteer sign up [ Here ]

Your family and friends are welcome to participate in this event. Please ask them to join, and let's pump up the event together!! We welcome you also to see all the activities when you are not volunteering. It should be a great day for everyone.

 Hands On Tokyo received a Social Contribution Award


Hands On Tokyo received a Social Contribution Award from the Foundation for Social Contribution. A big thank you to all of our supporters and great volunteers!

◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest





■Corporate Volunteer Program
Accenture Japan Ltd.: Scavenger Hunt Project, with Children from the Children’s Home, at the Ueno Zoo

On the 18th of May, Accenture volunteers took children to the Ueno Zoo and had a Scavenger Hunt activity. The children were very involved in an activity to solve quizzes, and get hints in English for the scavenger hunt. Volunteers helped children in their groups to understand the questions and enjoy roaming around the zoo. This was a very rare firsthand intercultural experience for the children, where they met and interacted with volunteers of different backgrounds.




■Corporate Volunteer Program
Bank of America Merrill Lynch : “Fun with English” Project, with Children from the Children’s Home, at the Ueno Zoo

On 19th of May, Bank of America Merrill Lynch volunteers helped children to have fun English activity at the Ueno zoo. Children were holding hands with volunteers and asking them to visit their favorite animals section in the zoo. This activity helped children to learn names and other specific characters about different animals in English while they were enjoying their moment of interaction with volunteers.



DOLBY JAPAN 株式会社:児童養護施設の子どもたちとの最先端技術の体験を通した交流会

5月22日(水)に、DOLBY JAPANの社員ボランティアの皆さんが、児童養護施設の子どもたちと交流会を行いました。この交流会では、DOLBYの最新音響・映像技術と、VR(バーチャルリアリティ、仮想現実)が体験ができるアクティビティを実施、子どもたちは終始その映像美と音響の凄さに魅入っていました。そして、VRのリアルな映像に驚きつつも、最新技術に触れることを楽しんでいました。

■Corporate Volunteer Program
DOLBY JAPAN: VR System Experience Project, with Children from the Children’s Home

On the 22nd of May, DOLBY JAPAN volunteers visited one of our Children’s Home partner, and introduced them to the most advanced audiovisual technology of DOLBY. Children were also provided with portable kits to experience VR (Virtual Reality). Throughout the interaction, children were astonished by the audiovisual technology, and thrilled to have these VR experiences.






■Corporate Volunteer Program
GLP: Sports Project, with Children from the Children’s Home

On the 25th of May, GLP volunteers and children from the children’s home played sports together. Although it was an extremely hot day, both the children and volunteers enjoyed the sports interaction together. Volunteers took extra care and made sure the children had enough drinks to keep them hydrated to avoid heatstroke. The children and volunteers enjoyed a BBQ after playing the sports.



★コーポレート・ボランティア・プログラムに関するお問い合わせは info@handsontokyo.org で承ります。
★Corporate Volunteer Program Contact Email Address: info@handsontokyo.org



■Corporate Volunteer Program
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities: Floor Renovation at the Children’s Home

On the 25th of June, Morgan Stanley MUFG securities volunteers helped in renovating a floor at one of our children’s home partners. Initially, it was expected to take longer to finish the activity. The volunteers were very innovative and efficient, and were able to finish the activity ahead of the estimated time. They had outstanding team-work, filling every corner and gap with perfection. Thanks to the volunteers' team effort, the renovated floors have made the rooms look more spacious and beautiful.



■Sign Language Cafe Project

8月17日(土)の「Sign Language Cafe」では、デフサッカー女子日本代表の久住呂幸一監督にゲストにお越しいただき、さまざまなトピックについて楽しくお話を伺いました。どうもありがとうございました! 次回は9月1日(日)に開催します。LIVES TOKYOのテーマ曲、「Happy now」を手話で歌う練習を中心にした内容です。

■Sign Language Cafe Project

Hands On Tokyo organized a Sign Language Cafe on Saturday, August 17th. This time we had a guest speaker, Mr. Koichi Kujuro, Japan Women's National Deaf Soccer Team Captain. We enjoyed having a conversation on a variety of fun topics in Sign Language. Thank you for coming, Mr. Kujuro! The next session will be held on Sunday, September 1st. We will learn how to sing the theme song, “Happy now”, of our event LIVES TOKYO, in Sign Language.



8月の「済生会乳児院飾り付けプロジェクト」の作品です。ボランティアの皆さん、いつも素敵な作品をありがとうございます! 次回は9月9日(月) 10:30からハンズオン東京のオフィスで開催します。

■Decoration Project for Saiseikai Infants Home

Photo from the "Decoration Project for Saiseikai Infants Home,” in August. Thank you to all our great volunteers for making the project a wonderful success. The next session will be held on Monday, September 9th, 10:30 at the Hands On Tokyo office.

◇ハンズオン東京 イベントスケジュール
 Please Save the Date! - Event Schedule

■9/16 - LIVES TOKYO(東京ミッドタウン、Tokyo Midtown)
■10/20 - Day of Service(東麻布区民協働スペース、Higashi-Azabu Kumin Kyodo Space)
■11/8 - Taste for Volunteering(東京アメリカンクラブ、Tokyo American Club)

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2019 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo


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please e-mail us at; information@handsontokyo.org.