Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2020/6/16
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター

 Voices from the Hands On Tokyo Community
 パソコン教室プロジェクト for スペシャルニーズ
 Computer Project for Special Needs
◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest

 Voices from the Hands On Tokyo Community

ハンズオン東京の「パソコン教室プロジェクト for スペシャルニーズ」に生徒として参加してくださっていた田中麟(たなか りん)さんのお母さま(アメリカ、ワシントン D.C.在住)からメッセージが届きました。

A Message from the mother of Rin Tanaka, who currently lives in Washington D.C., and who was a student at the Hands On Tokyo "Computer Project for Special Needs."






"It's been 4 weeks since Rin's school closed, and the lessons have started using a computer from today. I never expected that her school would close, and that the time would come when everyone needs a Computer as a an educational tool!

Today, I'm looking at my daughter taking a class on a computer, I realize that the activities of Hands On Tokyo were really important for Rin to be able to adjust to this new learning structure.

I have heard that the "Computer Project for Special Needs" at Oyamadai are closed now, but I hope that the program will start again soon. I truly feel that the Hands On Tokyo's activities are very useful in today’s society."

◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest






■Corporate Volunteer Program
 Accenture Japan Ltd.

On 22nd of February, Accenture volunteers visited our partner children’s home and interacted with the underprivileged children. The volunteers and children made animal shaped crafts items using English vocabularies during their interaction. Both the volunteers and children used their creative skills to make their favorite animals. It was a great opportunity for the children to learn English vocabularies on animals and other tools used during the crafts making while having fun with the volunteers.





■Delivering Masks Where They Are Needed Project

We’d like to thank, once again, all of the people and company’s who donated masks these past two months. We were humbled by the overwhelming response. As of June 4th, we have received a total of 40,698 mask donations, for the "Delivering Masks Where They Are Needed Project." From this point onward, our various partners (Children's Homes, Senior Homes, Special Needs Organizations, etc.) have requested that we send them only disposable masks.

If you have any masks that are disposable, and you don’t have need of, we would be glad to receive them, and pass them to our partners.



■Thank You Basket プロジェクト


私たちを守るために働いてくださっている医療従事者の皆さんに感謝の気持ちをお届けする「Thank You Basket Project」、PPEガウンを必要とする皆さんをサポートする「PPEガウン作成プロジェクト」に、たくさんの方からのご支援をいただきました。本当にありがとうございます。皆さんからご寄付いただいたマスクやお菓子、PPEガウンは、ハンズオン東京のパートナーである医療機関、地元の医療機関、施設などにお渡ししています。

■Thank You Basket Project
■PPE Gown Making Project

The Dance Laboratory, one of our partner organizations, recently donated to us, many hand-made PPE gowns. Thank you very much!

Additionally, we have received a generous donation for our "Thank You Basket for Medical Professionals Project" and "PPE Gown Making Project." We would like to extend a big thank you to all our donors and volunteers. The donated masks, snacks, and PPE gowns will be given to our partner hospitals, local hospitals, Welfare Facilities, etc. who are in need.





このプロジェクトでメッセージをお渡ししたNPO法人あおぞらの皆さんから Thank you レターとかわいいアマビエの写真が届きました。ありがとうございます!

■"YOSEGAKI" Project

Hands On Tokyo organized a "YOSEGAKI" Project for giving a smile to all our partners under this difficult situation. We delivered many generous messages via on-line from our volunteers to our partners.

We received a thank you letter and cute "Amabie" photo from the NPO Aozora, our partner. Thank you!

*Amabie is a Japanese spirit (known as yokai) for "anti-plague."

■Virtual Sign Language Cafe

オンラインで開催している手話のワークショップ「Virtual Sign Language Cafe」では、手話での簡単な会話や、ハンズオン東京のイベント「LIVES TOKYO」のテーマ曲「Happy now」を手話で歌う練習をしています。次回は6月20日(土)11:00-12:00に開催です。ご参加ください!

■Virtual Sign Language Cafe

Hands On Tokyo had an online workshop, "Virtual Sign Language Cafe." In this program, we learned basic greetings in Sign Language. Also, we enjoyed learning how to sing the theme song, "Happy now," of our event LIVES TOKYO, in Sign Language. The next session will be held on Saturday, June 20th, 11:00-12:00. Please join us!

■Youth Impact(ユースインパクト)プログラム

ハンズオン東京 Youth Impact のメンバーの皆さんとビデオミーティングを行いました。活動についての情報交換をし、これからのプロジェクトについて、いろいろなアイデアを出し合いました。参加してくださった皆さん、どうもありがとう!

ハンズオン東京 Youth Impact は、首都圏の高校・大学に通う学生リーダーのネットワークです。彼らがイニシアチブを持ってボランティアプロジェクトを企画し、実行できるように支援することで、将来のリーダーになっていく彼らに、コミュニティでのさまざまな問題を経験する機会を提供しています。

■Youth Impact Program

Hands On Tokyo had a productive Video Meeting with our Youth Impact Members. We exchanged information, and many ideas for future Projects. Thank you very much for coming to the meeting!

Hands On Tokyo’s Youth Impact, our Youth Leadership Network, is a group of student leaders from high schools and universities in the Greater Tokyo area. By helping them take the initiative to create and execute volunteer projects, we provide these future leaders the opportunity to experience for themselves the issues in their communities.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2020 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo

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