Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2020/7/7
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター

◇ハンズオン東京 ウィズ・コロナ
 Hands On Tokyo with COVID-19





COVID-19 is impacting our lives every day, giving us numerous challenges to overcome.

One of Hands On Tokyo’s most important concerns, is “what can we do now to support our community,” and how can we support that community as quickly as possible.

With the effects of COVID-19 looking to be with us long-term, we are learning to adapt to a “new way of living.”

We are very appreciative of all our volunteers at Hands On Tokyo, and the important part they play in our programs. In addition, Hands On Tokyo has always worked hard to respond to the needs of our partners. However, with this unique situation adversely affecting our lives, Hands On Tokyo is putting the health and safety of all our volunteers, volunteer leaders, community partners and all those with whom we interact our top priority. We will continue to work while preparing measures to prevent the spread of infection, in accordance with government guidelines.

 Our New Initiative

- コミュニティのニーズのリストを作成し、どうすれば、皆さんがコミュニティを支援できるのか、情報を共有しています。

- コミュニティ・パートナーが必要としている物資支援の情報を共有し、直接、寄付をマッチングさせています。

- コミュニティのニーズから見えてきた「PC、インターネット環境の不足」に応える「PC フォー・チルドレン - 子どもたちにパソコンを」キャンペーンを立ち上げました。

- コミュニティ・グループと協力し、ハンズオン東京のパートナーである医療機関、地元の医療機関、福祉施設などにマスク、PPEガウンなどを、お菓子に Thank you メッセージを添えた「Thank you バスケット」とともにお渡ししています。

- 昼夜を問わず、私たちを守るために働いてくださっている医療従事者の皆さんに感謝の気持ちを届ける「ドクター、ナース、医療従事者のみなさん、ありがとう!プロジェクト」を推進しています。

- この不安な時期に人々の孤立を減らすため、「私たちは一緒にいるのだ」ということ伝えるために、お互いに連絡を取り合う「Hello? もしもし? プロジェクト」「Stay in Touch プロジェクト」を推進しています。

- これまでの定例のボランティア活動は、可能なかぎりバーチャルで活動をする機会を作ります。

- ボランティア、ボランティアリーダー、コミュニティ・パートナーの健康と安全に関するガイドラインを政府のアドバイスに沿って作成します。

- ボランティア、ボランティアリーダーと定期的にコミュニケーションをとり、情報を提供し、予防策を実践することの重要性を伝えます。

- グローバル・ネットワークであるポインツ・オブ・ライト財団と連携し、世界37カ国のハンズオン・ネットワークの経験・情報を共有し、私たちの活動に活かします。

- We are creating a list of community needs, and sharing this information on how you can help these communities.

- We are sharing information about the material support needed by our community partners, and matching donations directly to them.

- We recently launched the “PC for Children” Campaign, for our partners who lack access to both Personal Computers and the internet.

- We are working with various community groups, to deliver masks, handmade PPE gowns and “Thank You Baskets.” Each of these include a handwritten thank you message, and various sweets. These are delivered to our partner hospitals, local hospitals, welfare facilities, etc...

- We are promoting the “Thank you to all Medical Workers! Project,” in which we send our sincere thanks to all medical professionals who are working night and day to protect us during this challenging time.

- We are promoting both the “Hello? Moshi-Moshi? Project” and the “Stay in Touch Project, which are for sharing your experiences, and to let family and friends know we are together during this anxious period.

- For previously regular volunteering activities, we are creating opportunities to continue the volunteering spirit in a virtual setting, whenever possible.

- For our volunteers, volunteer leaders and community partners, we are implementing the government guidelines for all Health and Safety issues.

- We will be communicating regularly with our volunteer and volunteer leaders, to provide them the correct information, and the importance of practicing preventative measures.

- We will be cooperating with the Points of Light Foundation, the Hands On Network in 37 countries, a global networks and our affiliate partners, to share our mutual experiences and information with them, and to apply them to our activities.

 Beyond COVID-19





Since March 2020, Hands On Tokyo has refrained from face-to-face volunteering. However, this experience has also revealed new challenges for us in the way we support our community partners.

Hands On Tokyo is working to overcome the many challenges in this difficult time, and will continue to carry out meaningful social activities with the help of individuals corporate volunteers and our community partners.

Thanks to your warm support, we will still be able to expand our circle of friendship, and build strong bonds with even more people. We will continue to make an effort to help keep our community strong and inclusive.

The Hands On Tokyo Team

■なお、財政的に支援していただける場合は、ハンズオン東京のWebサイト (https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/20/)からご寄付をお申し込みいただけます。皆さまからの寄付金は、より有意義で、より質の高い社会貢献活動を行なうため、活動の内容を充実させていく際の大きな支えとなります。すべての方々のご支援に心より感謝申しあげますとともに、これからもあたたかいご支援を賜りますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。

■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website (https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/20/). Your financial contribution enables us to provide meaningful service opportunities every week of the year. We would like to thank you, once again, for your continued support.


〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木5-16-46 ガーデニア六本木101号室
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
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