*English follows Japanese

 GlobalGiving Foundation “July Bonus Day”




グローバルギビング財団は、7月15日に「ボーナスデー・キャンペーン」を開催いたします。これは、アメリカ東部標準時の2020年7月15日(水)9:00:00(日本時間7月15日(水) 22:00:00)にスタートし、同日の23:59:59 (日本時間7月16日(木)12:59:59)に終了する「ボーナスデー」での100ドル以上のご寄付に対し、グローバルギビング財団が助成金を上乗せするというキャンペーンです。

- $ 100 ~ $ 499 のご寄付は15%上乗せ
- $ 500 ~ $ 749 のご寄付はは30%上乗せ
- $ 750 ~ $ 1,000 のご寄付は50%上乗せ
- $ 1,000 を超えるご寄付の場合は、$1,000が50%上乗せの対象となります


皆さまからのご寄付は、ハンズオン東京の「ユース・インパクト・プログラム」「LIVES フードトラック・プロジェクト」「東北復興支援」「被災地復興支援ベースボールプロジェクト」で大切に使わせていただきます。




GlobalGiving Foundation “July Bonus Day”

Dear loyal supporters of Hands On Tokyo,

Thank you for your support of Hands On Tokyo, either as a volunteer or donor. Our organization would not be where it is today without you, and we are looking forward to working with you to continue to create meaningful, impactful change for all our community partners in Japan.

We wanted to let you know about a massive fundraising opportunity on July 15th, where you can maximize your donation as much as possible.

We have been selected by the GlobalGiving Foundation to participate in their July Bonus Day on Wednesday, July 15th, 2020, starting from 9:00:00 ET to 23:59:59 ET. An extra 3,000 dollars will be made available to Hands On Tokyo. Donations will be matched based on the order in which organizations are received. We encourage you to get donations in early because matching funds will likely run out before the end of the day.

Donations of a certain amount will be matched in the following capacities:
- $100 - $499 USD will be matched at 15%
- $500 - $749 USD will be matched at 30%
- $750 - $1,000 USD will be matched at 50%
- Donations above $1,000 USD will be matched on the first $1,000 at $50%.

Additionally, all donations made in USD or the British pound will be tax deductible/Gift Aid eligible, an added bonus for you! In other words, if you were considering donating to Hands On Tokyo, this will be the day to do so.

You can support our Youth Impact program, LIVES Food Truck, Disaster Recovery Project for Tohoku, and the Baseball Project for Natural Disaster Survivors. For more information on all of these programs, check out our Global Giving page: https://www.globalgiving.org/donate/7356/hands-on-tokyo/.
If you have any questions about the campaign, send us an email at info@handsontokyo.org

Thank you again for your support and believing that volunteerism can create positive change in Japan. We look forward to seeing at our projects or keeping in touch with you via all our social media platforms.

With Gratitude,
Hands On Tokyo

〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木5-16-46 ガーデニア六本木101号室
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2020 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo

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