Virtual Fundraising Event
"A Taste for Volunteering - Voices -"
December 10th, 2020, 20:00
Registration: ¥3,000

「テイスト・フォー・ボランティア ~Voices~」

** お申込みは [ こちら ] から**
** For registration, please click [ Here ] **

*If you can't participate in the live Zoom stream on December 10th, you can watch the recorded video on YouTube on a private channel, until January 31st, 2021.

*お申し込みいただいた皆さまにメールにて Zoom の URL をお送りいたしました。お申し込みをされたにも関わらずまだメールが届いていない場合は、お手数をおかけいたしますが、下記までご連絡ください。
*We have sent the Zoom URL for the event to all who have registered, via e-mail. If you have not received the Zoom URL, please contact us.

E-mail: Tel: 080-4735-4155 / 080-3523-4155

Please join us!
Here is a preview of some of the event’s content!

12月10日に開催されるオンラインファンドレイジングイベント「A Taste for Volunteering - Voices -」。当日は、私たちと一緒に活動をしてくださっている児童養護施設の皆さん、スペシャルニーズの団体の皆さん、2021年に震災から10周年を迎える東北の皆さん、そして、ハンズオン東京の活動を支えてくださっているボランティアの皆さんなど、たくさんの皆さんからの声をお届けします。このイベントが、コミュニティのさまざまなことついて、皆さんに知っていただくきっかけになればうれしいです。ここでは、その一部をご紹介します!

Our online fundraising event "A Taste for Volunteering - Voices -" will take place on December 10th. During the day, we will be sharing the voices of our partners, children’s homes, those with special needs, and those affected by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake from 10 years ago. We hope this event will help you to learn more about our community. We’d like to introduce you to some of the content for the our event!


■児童養護施設目黒若葉寮 職業指導員 金子朝春さん、幼児ホームご担当 秋林絵美さん


■Mr. Kaneko, in charge of occupational instructions, Wakabaryo Children's Home
■Ms. Akibayashi, in charge of the toddlers’ home, Wakabaryo Children's Home

Wakabaryo is a children’s home located in Meguro Ward. They will share stories about the lives of children living in Wakabaryo.



■Voices from one of our Corporate Partners

In the year 2019, we were able to develop 59 different programs, engaging 916 corporate volunteers, that helped impact our community needs. We express our deepest gratitude to all our corporate sponsors for your support and involvement. We will share the voices from volunteers, Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. They helped us on developing innovative projects in 2020.

■養護老人ホーム白寿荘 施設長 海老沼達雄さん


■Mr. Ebinuma, Executive Director of the nursing home, Hakujuso

Hakujusou is a nursing home located in Ohashi, Meguro-ku that houses up to 168 elderly people. He will share stories about the lives of residents living in Hakujuso.

■ダンスラボラトリー 代表 園部由美さん


■Ms. Sonobe, The Dance Laboratory

Dance Laboratory was established in 2014 with the hopes of having everyone, with or without challenges, dance together. They started their activities with aspirations to participate in an exhibition at the Paralympic Games, to help cheer on the athletes.

■雄勝花物語 共同代表 徳水博志さん、代表理事 徳水利枝さん


■Mr. Tokumizu, Co-representative, Ogatsu Hana Monogatari
■Ms. Tokumizu, Representative Director, Ogatsu Hana Monogatari

The year 2021 will mark 10 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. We will share the stories of Mr. Hiroshi Tokumizu and Ms. Toshie Tokumizu of the "Ogatsu Rose Factory Garden," "Ogatsu Hana Monogatari" in Ogatsu, Ishinomaki City. Both have overcome the Great East Japan Earthquake, and are working together with volunteers to create a new hometown.



■Voices from Volunteers

Our volunteers are the reason why we do what we do. Our volunteers will share their inspirational experiences. These stories come directly from the volunteers who are engaged in our activities.



■Mr. Sam Cutler, Former Tour Manager for The Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead

His experiences include growing up in an institution without a family and battling illness. In the glamorous world he spent as a tour manager with the Rolling Stones and the Grateful Dead, he has seen many people whose hearts are not filled with happiness, even though they have become financially wealthy and famous. Sam, who has been watching Hands On Tokyo from afar for many years, gave a message to Hands On Tokyo and Volunteers.

■レッツ・ダンス! 「ダンスラボラトリー」


■Let’s dance! "Dance Laboratory"

Dance Laboratory - a dance group that includes members who live with intellectual, emotional and physical challenges. Each year, we have had a live performance by Dance Laboratory on our stage. This year we will have them perform in a virtual setting.

MCは、ウィズダムツリー・ジャパン株式会社 CEO、ハンズオン東京の理事でもあるイェスパー・コールさんです。イェスパーさんは、毎年恒例のハンズオン東京 LIVES Project のイベント、「LIVES LIVE 2020」でも、パネルディスカッションのファシリテーター(司会進行役)を務めてくださっています。今年の LIVES イベントも、和やかな雰囲気でプログラムを進行してくださいました。イェスパーさんは、いつも私たちのイベント、そしてハンズオン東京を支えてくださる、心強い存在です。

We’d like to introduce you to our MC for the event, Mr. Jesper Koll. Jesper has been facilitating panel discussions at our annual event, LIVES Project - LIVES LIVE 2020, for the past few years. Jesper’s friendly personality helped create a warm and welcome atmosphere, which we look forward to again this year. Jesper has always been a great supporter of our events, and Hands On Tokyo.

■イェスパー・コール(ウィズダムツリー・ジャパン株式会社 CEO)


■Jesper Koll, CEO, WisdomTree Japan
Board member of Hands On Tokyo. Before becoming CEO of WisdomTree Japan in 2015, he worked for two decades as the Managing Director of Japan Research for both J.P. Morgan and Merrill Lynch. Jesper serves as an adviser to several public policy makers and private corporations, and is a frequent commentator in domestic and international media.

*If you would like to support us financially, we are ready now to take your donation. Please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.

テイスト・フォー・ボランティアでの収益は、ハンズオン東京の活動、および運営資金に充てさせていただきます。 今年はオンラインでの開催となりますが、皆さまにお会いするのを楽しみにしております。
All proceeds from "A Taste for Volunteering" will support Hands On Tokyo volunteer activities and operations. Hands On Tokyo thanks you for your generous support and looks forward to spending an exciting evening with you.

ハンズオン東京 テイスト・フォー・ボランティア・コミッティ
Hands On Tokyo, A Taste for Volunteering Committee

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127 
Copyright (C) 2020 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo

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