Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2020/12/22
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター

◇"Koko Club" ウィズコロナ
 "Koko Club" with COVID-19
◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest
◇フェイス オブ ハンズオン東京
 The Faces of Hands On Tokyo

◇年末年始お休み / Holiday Closing Notice


The Hands On Tokyo Office will be closed from December 24th, noon, 2020, through January 3rd, 2021. Throughout 2020, in light of the impact of the COVID-19, we have been thinking about “what can we do now to support our community,” and have been working on new initiatives, such as delivering care packages and online projects. We are very appreciative of all our supporters at Hands On Tokyo. We wish you all a Happy Holiday Season!

Hands On Tokyo Office

  Dear All registered for "A Taste for Volunteering"

ハンズオン東京のファンドレイジング・イベント「テイスト・フォー・ボランティア ~ Voices ~」へ参加申込いただき、どうもありがとうございました。

Thank you very much for your great support of our fundraising event, “A Taste for Volunteering - Voices -.”

12月10日のZoomでのリアルタイム配信にご参加いただけなかった方は、2021年1月31日までに限り、録画されたものをYouTubeの非公開動画にて視聴することができます。参加申し込みをしていただいた皆さまにメールにて YouTube の限定公開動画の URL をお送りいたしました。お申し込みをされたにも関わらずまだメールが届いていない場合は、お手数をおかけいたしますが、事務局までご連絡ください。


If you were not able to participate in the live Zoom stream on December 10th, you can watch the recorded video on YouTube on a private channel (Unlisted), until January 31st, 2021. We have sent the YouTube URL for the event to all who have registered, via e-mail. If you have not received the YouTube URL, please contact us.


Thank you again for your support and generosity.


Hands On Tokyo
A Taste for Volunteering Committee
E-mail: tfv-info@handsontokyo.org

◇"Koko Club" ウイズ コロナ
 "Koko Club" with COVID-19

「Koko Club」は視覚障がいのある若い方たちのグループ、東京ミラクルスターズの皆さんと、さまざまなトピックについて英語で楽しくお話しをする英会話のプログラムです。ハンズオン東京の他の定例プログラムと同様に「Koko Club」も、COVID-19の影響で6月からは毎月オンラインで開催。お互いの近況をお話ししたり、歌を歌ったり、ゲームをしたりと、オンラインでも楽しい雰囲気で活動をしています。

The "Koko Club" is an English conversation program with the Tokyo Miracle Stars, a group of young visually-impaired people. In this program, we enjoy talking about a variety of topics in English. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the "Koko Club” has been held online every month since June, as well as other Hands On Tokyo's On-Going Community programs. We talk to each other about what's going on, sing songs, play games, and so on, all in a fun online atmosphere.


Some of the members of the Tokyo Miracle Stars, who have participated in the activities said, "We were worried about the online activities at the beginning, but once they tried it, we found it to be smooth," and "We are disappointed that we can't see each other in person now, but we are happy to have fun in a virtual setting. We want to continue the online activities."




A family member of the Tokyo Miracle Stars also commented, "It was great to be able to connect with everyone online, when I couldn't meet anyone else during the COVID-19 pandemic," and "There were days when my daughter couldn't join the class because I couldn't take her to the venue. But I found that the online class is convenient because she could join online from home." We received feedback on the advantages of the online program, that we were not previously aware of.

「Koko Club」がface-to-faceでの活動に戻るには、もう少し時間がかかりそうですが、これからもオンラインの長所を活かし、皆さんと一緒により良いプログラムを作り上げていければと思っています。

It may take more time for the "Koko Club" to get back to a face-to-face activity, but we hope to continue to take advantage of the online environment, to create better programs together with everybody.

◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest



アレクシオンファーマ合同会社の社会貢献活動「Global Week of Service」が9月に開催され、ハンズオン東京は、今年もこの活動のお手伝いをさせていただきました。児童養護施設の子どもたちとのオンラインでの科学実験交流会、シニアホームの方との交流会、マスクケース作り、モザイクアート作成、荒川クリーンエイドフォーラムとのワークショップなど、初めてのバーチャルでの開催に挑戦。ボランティアの皆さんとコミュニティの皆さんをより良い形で繋げるすばらしい機会となりました。

■Corporate Volunteer Program
 Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc.

The Alexion Global Week of Service, Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s annual commitment of giving back to the community, was held this past September. Hands On Tokyo was fortunate to be able to assist with this activity again this year. We took on the challenge of holding our first virtual event, such as multiple online science experiments with various children’s homes taking part. We also provided social events with a senior home, mask case-making, mosaic art-making, and a workshop with the Arakawa Clean Aid Forum. It was a great opportunity to connect our volunteers with our community.



運動機能開発プログラム(Motor Development Program、MDP)は、スペシャルオリンピックスのアスリートとコーチの皆さん、そしてハンズオン東京のボランティアの皆さんで、楽しく体を動かすプログラムです。10月の活動は、代々木の会場からプログラムをライブ配信し、皆さんとオンラインでつながるという、初めての試みで行われました。12月はオンラインでの活動の後に恒例のハッピーホリデーの会を実施。それぞれがハッピーホリデーをテーマにしたコスチュームで参加し、パネルシアター「森のクリスマス」をみんなで楽しみました。この1年、皆さんの前向きな温かい気持ちに支えられ、コロナ禍においてもプログラムを継続して行うことができました。どうもありがとうございました!

■Motor Development Program

The Motor Development Program (MDP) is a fun, physical exercise program with Special Olympics athletes, coaches, and Hands On Tokyo volunteers. October's activity was the first time we tried to connect with everyone online by streaming the program live from the venue in Yoyogi. In December, we had our annual Happy Holiday Party after the online activity. We participated in the online party, wearing a happy holiday-themed costume, and enjoyed the panel theater "Christmas in the Forest" together. The success of our online program in this COVID-19 pandemic situation is all due to your support. We really appreciate your time, energy and generosity!

◇フェイス オブ ハンズオン東京
 The Faces of Hands On Tokyo


The warmth and smiles of our volunteers are an important source of our motivation. Here are three questions we asked our volunteers.

[ご出身 / Hometown]DELHI, INDIA



「それはもう間違いなく、"ダンスボランティアプロジェクト(スペシャルニーズの子どもたちとダンスの練習をするプロジェクト)" で、子どもたちと一緒に活動したことですね。子どもたちはダンスをするのをとても楽しみにしていているし、ダンスがすごく上手なので、いい雰囲気で活動できています」


How did you start volunteering?
"I started volunteering when I was in college (7 years back). I used to work with low income kids to teach them English."

What volunteering experience stuck with you the most and why?
"Definitely, working with kids in the dance volunteer project (practicing dance with children who have special needs). They are so excited, so good with the dances, it just puts you in a good mood."

What do you hope to accomplish through volunteering?
"Add a little joy in other lives."


[お名前 / Name]Miles
[ご出身 / Hometown]California






「ボランティア活動を楽しんでいたいです :)」

How did you start volunteering?
"I saw Hands On Tokyo's website when I was looking for volunteer English teaching opportunities."

What volunteering experience stuck with you the most and why?
"Whenever I go to a project and someone says they hope I'll come again and they remember me, I feel I have made a difference in their life."

What do you hope to accomplish through volunteering?
"I just enjoy volunteering :)"

[ フェイス オブ ハンズオン東京 / The Faces of Hands On Tokyo ]

■ハンズオン東京の活動を財政的に支援していただける場合は、Webサイト (https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/20/)からご寄付をお申し込みいただけます。皆さまからの寄付金は、より有意義で、より質の高い社会貢献活動を行なうため、活動の内容を充実させていく際の大きな支えとなります。すべての方々のご支援に心より感謝申しあげますとともに、これからもあたたかいご支援を賜りますよう、よろしくお願いいたします。

■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website (https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/20/). Your financial contribution enables us to provide meaningful service opportunities every week of the year. We would like to thank you, once again, for your continued support.

■ハンズオン東京の活動にご寄付・ご支援いただいた皆さま / Our Donors

■COVID-19の活動にご寄付・ご支援いただいた皆さま / COVID-19 Program Donors

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2020 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo

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