Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2021/3/29
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター |
◇ハンズオン東京事務局長 川口基子より、ごあいさつ
Farewell Message from the Executive Director, Motoko Kawaguchi
Tohoku - Remembering 3.11 -
◇ハンズオン東京 東北プロジェクト - 雄勝ローズファクトリーガーデン
Hands On Tokyo Tohoku Project - Ogatsu Rose Factory Garden
◇フェイス オブ ハンズオン東京
The Faces of Hands On Tokyo
◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
Project Report Digest |
◇ハンズオン東京事務局長 川口基子より、ごあいさつ
Farewell Message from the Executive Director, Motoko Kawaguchi
後任の事務局長は LIVES Tokyo のプロジェクト・リーダーをしておりました加地はるみが引き継ぎますのでどうぞよろしくお願い致します。
ハンズオン東京 事務局長
This is Motoko Kawaguchi, Executive Director of Hands On Tokyo for the past five years. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude for your continued support that made my 5 years so meaningful.
My experiences at HOT were so diverse and I enjoyed various activities at children’s homes, crafts making with volunteers or annual life skills event at corporates planning together what would be best for the future of underprivileged children.
I will be leaving HOT at the end of the month, and Harumi Kachi, Project Leader of LIVES Tokyo, will be the new Executive Director from April 1st.
Thank you again, and I hope you will stay safe, healthy and happy.
Motoko Kawaguchi
Executive Director
Tohoku - Remembering 3.11 -
We reached the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2021. Following the devastating earthquake that hit the Tohoku region, we began providing necessary support and goods to the region. We also cleaned the debris and rubble from the disaster, made a Hands On Tokyo cafe, sponsored on-site events, assisted farmers, and continued to provide other services. Here, we look back on our activities for Tohoku.
Our activities for Tohoku are also posted on our Facebook page.
■2011年4月 / April 2011
Supplies Support Project
Immediately after the earthquake, we launched the delivery of relief supplies that were in short supply in the affected areas, and delivered towels, toothpaste sets, rice, powdered milk, and other urgently needed supplies to the affected areas.
■2011年6月 / June 2011
“Ganbaro Iwanuma: Serving Food” Project
In June 2011, we held a soup kitchen at a temporary housing in Iwanuma City, Miyagi Prefecture. With the cooperation of a chef from an Italian restaurant, we prepared a menu of pasta, barbecue, hot vegetables, and homemade apple pie and cookies for dessert for 600 people. Total fifty-five volunteers went to the site and helped this project.
■2011年6月 / June 2011
山元町 瓦礫撤去のお手伝いプロジェクト
Debris Cleaning in Yamamoto-cho
山元町のプロジェクトは、お隣の角田市にて東日本大震災復興支援事業を立ち上げた「band + aid」という団体を、「頑張ろう岩沼」プロジェクトの方よりつないでいただいたことがきっかけで始まりました。「band + aid」のご協力のもと、まだ支援の手があまり届いていなかった山元町の瓦礫撤去のお手伝いを行いました。
This project was done in collaboration with “band + aid”, a disaster relief organization in Kakuta-shi. One of our partners, “Ganbaro Iwanuma,” connected us with them during a soup kitchen project HoT was working closely with them so that residents can return to their own home.
■2011年6月 / June 2011
木の屋石巻水産 缶詰工場のお手伝いプロジェクト
Salvaging Cans at Kinoya Canning Factory
Located near a harbor in Ishinomaki City, Kinoya Canning Factory was heavily affected by the tsunami. All of their equipment had been destroyed so employees and volunteers dig through sludge to salvage over 800,000 cans that had been swept away. Salvaged cans were currently being sold in Tokyo, and several media sources had featured their story. HoT was honored to be able to help Kinoya.
◇ハンズオン東京 東北プロジェクト - 雄勝ローズファクトリーガーデン
Hands On Tokyo Tohoku Project - Ogatsu Rose Factory Garden
The year 2021 marks 10 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. We are sharing the stories of Mr. Hiroshi Tokumizu and Ms. Toshie Tokumizu of the "Ogatsu Rose Factory Garden," "Ogatsu Hana Monogatari" in Ogatsu, Ishinomaki City. Both have overcome the Great East Japan Earthquake, and are working together with volunteers to create a new hometown.
◇フェイス オブ ハンズオン東京
The Faces of Hands On Tokyo
The warmth and smiles of our volunteers are an important source of our motivation. Here are three questions we asked our volunteers. |
[お名前 / Name]
長谷部真奈見(株式会社FinCube 代表取締役)/ Manami Hasebe (President, FinCube)
[ご出身 / Hometown]
東京 / Tokyo
「LIVES TOKYOで、初めてダウン症のある方と一緒にボランティアで司会を務めさせて頂いた時のことが一番印象に残っています。本番直前まで、何度も何度も台本を確認され、読み返していらっしゃる姿を見ながら、私自身、本当に多くの勇気と感動の体験を共にさせて頂きました。あの時一緒に味わわせて頂いた緊張感は今も鮮明に覚えています」
How did you start volunteering?
"Since my daughter has Down Syndrome, I started volunteering with my friends at a non-profit organization, that holds events to spread awareness about Down Syndrome."
What volunteering experience stuck with you the most and why?
"The first time I volunteered to serve as a host for LIVES TOKYO with a person with Down Syndrome was the most memorable experience for me. As I watched him check and reread the script over and over again until just before the performance, I experienced a lot of courage and excitement together with him. I still vividly remember the tension we experienced together at that time."
What do you hope to accomplish through volunteering?
"There is only so much that I can do on my own, however I realize that the circle of thoughts will expand if my friends who have the same thoughts continue to work together."
・・・・・・・・・・・ |
[お名前 / Name]
Sakura Yurugi
[ご出身 / Hometown]
「一番印象に残っているボランティアの体験は、コロナ禍にオンラインで行った LIVES プロジェクトです。この困難な時代に、様々な分野で活動されている皆さんのお話しを翻訳し、世界に向けてポジティブなメッセージを発信することができました」
How did you start volunteering?
"I wanted to make the most out of my background and experiences to contribute to building an inclusive society. A friend from university introduced me to Hands On Tokyo, and I thought it would be a perfect fit for me."
What volunteering experience stuck with you the most and why?
"The volunteering experience stuck with me the most would be the LIVES project conducted online during the COVID-19 pandemic. I was able to send positivity to the world through translating the messages by activists from various fields in this difficult time."
What do you hope to accomplish through volunteering?
"I want to contribute to building an inclusive society where individuals can embrace their uniquenesses and accept the diversity through volunteering." |
◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
Project Report Digest
■英会話プログラム with 筑波大学付属視覚特別支援学校
■English Conversation Program with Tsukuba High School Students
Here is a screenshot from our online English conversation program with high school students from the Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired, University of Tsukuba. In this program, our volunteers and students talked about what’s been happening recently, and enjoying English games and songs. |
■Koko Club - オンライン
■Koko Club - Online
In this program, we enjoy having a conversation on a variety of fun topics in English, with young people with visual impairment, from the Tokyo Miracle Stars. We also enjoy playing games such as guessing words and sounds, and making bingo with everyone's answers.
*私たちのコロナ禍での取り組みについて:ハンズオン東京 ウィズ・コロナ
詳細は、www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。
■About Hands On Tokyo
OUR MISSION: Hands On Tokyo provides meaningful bilingual volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community.
Our New Initiative: Hands On Tokyo with COVID-19
For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.
■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below. |
発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2021 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo |