Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2021/4/29
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター 

◇ハンズオン東京事務局長 加地はるみより、ごあいさつ
Message from the Executive Director, Harumi Kachi 
◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
Project Report Digest
◇フェイス オブ ハンズオン東京
The Faces of Hands On Tokyo
Tohoku - Remembering 3.11 - 
Online Event Information

◇ハンズオン東京事務局長 加地はるみより、ごあいさつ
Message from the Executive Director, Harumi Kachi 

ハンズオン東京の「もっとインクルーシブな社会」を目指す LIVES Project に関わり4年がたちます。障がいのある方、難病当事者の方々から多くを学び続けています。 




ハンズオン東京 事務局長 

It has been four years since we started the LIVES Project at Hands On Tokyo, which aims to create a more inclusive society. I continue to learn greatly from people with disabilities, and people with incurable diseases.   

For example, wheelchair users face a difficult challenge just getting on the train...but many are very proactive about this challenge; and I am humbly encouraged by them.  People with visual impairments have astonishingly strong senses of smell, hearing, and others; and I realize that we rely too much on what we see, and often forget the other senses.  Way before COVID, I had learned about online meetings, from people with incurable disease for whom ‘stay at home’ is a norm.  

Hands On Tokyo serves as a bridge between your warm heart as a volunteer, and those in need in our society.  In Japan, I believe, there has always been a strong spirit of helping each other, and taking good care of neighbors and members of the community. 

At Hands On Tokyo, we shall strive hard to be a bridge and a platform for our volunteers and communities.  We shall strive hard to provide meaningful and enjoyable volunteer experiences for you all. 

Please join, and be a part of our endeavor towards a more inclusive and supportive society! 

Harumi Kachi 
Executive Director

◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
Project Report Digest

ハンズオン東京は、アメリカン・スクール・イン・ジャパンの7年生の生徒の皆さんとセッションをさせていただきました。当日は弊会事務局次長のアシュマ・コイララとユース プログラム コーディネーターのマキ・ユコヴィッチが、私たちの組織が何をしているのか、私たちの歴史やミッションについて、また、「児童養護施設」「私たちの地域の社会問題」「社会貢献をするには」「ハンズオン東京はこれからどんなことをしていくのか」などについても皆さんとお話しました。参加してくださった皆さんにとって、このセッションが、私たちのコミュニティについて考え、学ぶためのきっかけになればうれしいです。

■Session with The American School in Japan
Hands On Tokyo had a great opportunity to talk with some 7th grade students at The American School in Japan. Ashma Koirala, Deputy Director, and Maki Yukevich, Youth Program Coordinator talked about what our organization does, our history and our mission. Also, we talked with the students about such topics as "Children's Homes in Japan," "Social issues in our community," "How to get involved with our community services," and “Hands On Tokyo's way for the future." We hope this session helped participants to think and learn about our community.

■Virtual Sign Language Cafe
4月17日(土)に手話のワークショップ「Sign Language Cafe」をオンラインで開催しました。このプログラムでは、実践で役立つ手話のあいさつやフレーズなどを練習しています。今回のテーマは「場所の案内」。トイレはどこですか?、イベントの受付はどこですか?、地下1階です、ご案内しますので私についてきてください……などを練習しました。次回は5月30日(日)です。

■Virtual Sign Language Cafe
We had a "Sign Language Cafe" on Sunday, April 17th, in a virtual setting.In this program, we are learning useful phrases in Sign Language. This time, the theme was "Information on Location." We practiced various answers such as "Where is the bathroom?" "Where is the reception for the event?" "The reception is on basement one" "I will show you. Please follow me" etc. The next session will be held on Sunday, May 30th.

■LIVES*ART プロジェクト
LIVES*ART プロジェクト「ART Caravan - オフィスにアートがやって来る!」。株式会社フロンティアインターナショナル様のオフィスにアウトサイダーアート(障がい者アート)の展示をさせていただきました!

■LIVES*ART Project
LIVES*ART Project "ART Caravan - Art is Coming to Your Office!." Our Art Caravan exhibition has begun at the office of Frontier International Inc.!

[ About LIVES*ART Project ]
LIVES*ART projectは、アウトサイダーアート(障がい者アート)をもっと社会に発信していきたいという思いからスタートしたプロジェクトです。まずは、アーティストと企業をつなげていく活動から始めていきます。

To share art created by disabled people with society, we have started the LIVES*ART Project. As a first step, we will connect artists and corporations.

◇フェイス オブ ハンズオン東京
The Faces of Hands On Tokyo


The warmth and smiles of our volunteers are an important source of our motivation. Here are three questions we asked our volunteers.

[お名前 / Name]
千春/ Chiharu

[ご出身 / Hometown]
東京 / Tokyo



1: How did you start volunteering?
"I originally volunteered at Aiiku Gakuen as an individual, which led me to participate in the Hands On Tokyo activities."

2: What volunteering experience stuck with you the most and why?
"There are many non-Japanese volunteers who join the Escort Children with Special Needs Project for Aiiku Gakuen Swimming Club. I was surprised to see the children actively saying "hello" to them in English. International exchange is naturally occurring."

3: What do you hope to accomplish through volunteering?
"I hope to meet many people and broaden my horizons through volunteer activities."

フェイス オブ ハンズオン東京
The Faces of Hands On Tokyo


Tohoku - Remembering 3.11 - 


We reached the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2021. Following the devastating earthquake that hit the Tohoku region, we began providing necessary support and goods to the region. We also cleaned the debris and rubble from the disaster, made a Hands On Tokyo cafe, sponsored on-site events, assisted farmers, and continued to provide other services. Here, we look back on our activities for Tohoku.

■2011年6月 / June 2011
牡鹿町 ハンズオン・カフェプロジェクト
Hands On Cafe at Oshika


There were many people living in temporary housing in Oshika City, and HOT hosted the Hands On Cafe in hopes that these residents can have a casual place to hang out. Volunteers served homemade sweets and drinks, and make sure all the guests had a good time. Temporary housing residents as well as those still living at the relief shelters had come to hang out at this cafe. 

■2011年7月 / July 2011
Kome Kome Club Project 


While we were looking for ways to support the hungry families in Miyagi Prefecture, one of our Tohoku partners, Chizuru Nakagawa, introduced us to Kome Kome Club, a group of rice farmers in Tomei City. Thanks to the financial donations we have received, HOT was able to purchase 750 kg of rice from them. In this project, volunteers bagged this rice and hand-delivered the 5 kg rice bags to families living in Myojin Relief Shelter, temporary housing on Oosu Elementary School grounds, and temporary housing and relief shelters in a local park. 

Online Event Information

【LIVES*University Project Beyond Barriers WEBINAR SERIES】
■開催日時:第1回 2021年5月13日 (木) 20:00~21:30
■ゲストスピーカー: ウヤンガ・エルディンボルト氏

First Webinar: Thursday, May 13th, 8:00pm-9:30pm
Guest Speaker: Ms. Uyanga Erdenebold 
Topic : Barriers We Face Everyday
*This event will be held on Zoom. Japanese/English and Sign Language interpretation will be provided.
*No Cost, Registration deadline is Wednesday, May 12, 2021.

■イベントの詳細 / Event Details

スマートインクルーシブアイデアソン / 障がい者とスマートシティを考える
■開催日時:2021年5月23日 (日) 12:00~16:00
■ゲストスピーカー 兼 審査員:佐藤仙務 氏(株式会社仙拓 代表取締役社長) ほか
■審査員 / 審査企業
村上憲郎 氏(Google 米国元副社長、Google Japan 元社長、一般社団法人スマートインクルージョン推進機構 名誉会長)
川田テクノロジーズ 株式会社


Smart Inclusive Ideathon / Thinking about People with Disabilities and Smart Cities
Date and time: Sunday, May 23, 2021, 12:00 - 16:00
Guest Speaker: Mr. Hisamu Sato (President of Sentaku Co., Ltd.)and others
Members of the judging panel and judging companies:
Mr. Norio Murakami (Former Vice President of Google. Inc., Former President of Google Japan, Honorary President of Smart Inclusion Innovation Consortium)
Kawada Technologies, Inc.
Cybozu, Inc.

*This event will be held on Zoom. Japanese/English and Sign Language interpretation will be provided.
*No Cost, Registration deadline is Sunday, May 16, 2021.

■イベントの詳細 / Event Details

Points of Light Global Volunteer Month


April was Global Volunteer Month per our affiliate partner, Points of Light. Hands On Tokyo was featured in the Points of Light's Blog. 
[ 記事を読む / Read More ]


*私たちのコロナ禍での取り組みについて: ハンズオン東京 ウィズ・コロナ

詳細は、 www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
OUR MISSION: Hands On Tokyo provides meaningful bilingual volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community.

Our New Initiative: Hands On Tokyo with COVID-19

For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.


■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2021 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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