Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2021/6/27
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター 

◇Please Save the Date!

テイスト・フォー・ボランティア 2021
A Taste for Volunteering 2021
Onsite and Online - Hybrid Event, on Saturday, November 13th

Event Information

7/8 - LIVES*University WEBINAR
 - オンラインイベント / Online Event
9/26 - LIVES 2021 - ハイブリッドイベント / Hybrid Event

◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
Project Report Digest

"What can we do now to support our community?”

◇Please Save the Date!◇
テイスト・フォー・ボランティア 2021

A Taste for Volunteering 2021
Saturday, November 13th
恒例のハンズオン東京ファンドレイジング・イベント「テイスト・フォー・ボランティア 2021」を、2021年11月13日(土)、会場とオンラインのハイブリッドでの開催を予定しています。詳細は追ってご案内いたします。ぜひ、ご参加ください!

*お問い合わせ先: tfv-info@handsontokyo.org

Our annual fundraising event "A Taste for Volunteering 2021" will be held as a hybrid event (on-site and online), on Saturday, November 13th, 2021. Further details will be announced soon. Please join us!

Date : Saturday, November 13th, 2021, 18:30~
Onsite and Online - Hybrid Event
*Registration will start in late September.
Contact: tfv-info@handsontokyo.org

◇イベント情報 / Event Information
7/8 - LIVES*University WEBINAR
 オンラインイベント / Online Event
9/26 - LIVES 2021 ハイブリッドイベント / Hybrid Event

【LIVES*University Project Beyond Barriers WEBINAR SERIES】
■開催日時:第2回 2021年7月8日 (木) 20:00~21:30

Second Webinar : Thursday, July 8th, 2021, 20:00~21:30
Guest Speaker : Mark Bookman
Topic : Why These Barriers Exist, and How to Move Forward
*This event will be held on Zoom. Japanese/English and Sign Language interpretation will be provided.
*No Cost, Registration deadline is Wednesday, July 7, 2021.

【LIVES 2021】
9月26日 (日)、会場とオンラインのハイブリッドで開催
Onsite and Online - Hybrid Event, on Sunday, September 26

■開催日時:2021年9月26日 (日) 
キャノピースクエア、キッチンカーOOPEN! 11:30~、ホールA 13:00~
■会場:六本木ミッドタウン ホールA、キャノピースクエア、オンライン(Zoom)
*お問い合わせ: livesproject@handsontokyo.org

Date : Sunday, September 26, 2021
Canopy Square, Food Truck OOPEN! - 11:30~, Hall A - 13:00~
Venue: Roppongi Midtown Hall A, Canopy Square, Online (Zoom)
*Contact: livesproject@handsontokyo.org

◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
Project Report Digest


One of Hands On Tokyo’s most important concerns, is “what can we do now to support our community,” and how can we support that community as quickly as possible.

Sign Language Cafe
気軽に手話とふれあう機会を作るワークショップ、「Sign Language Cafe(手話カフェ)」のプロジェクトをオンラインで開催しています。実践で役立つ手話のあいさつやフレーズなど、どなたでも楽しんでいただける内容です。6月20日(日)の活動では、「もうすぐオリンピックですね」「8月にはパラリンピックがありますね」「スポーツは苦手だけど、みるのは好き!」などを練習しました。今回のスクリーンショットは、パラリンピックのロゴを3本の指で表した手話でポーズをとってみました!

The "Sign Language Cafe" is a fun workshop for learning Sign Language. In this project, we will learn useful phrases, greetings in Sign Language. We had a "Sign Language Cafe" on Sunday, June 20, in a virtual setting. We practiced various answers such as "The Olympics are coming soon." "We will have the Paralympics in August." "I'm not good at sports, but I like to watch them!" etc. This screenshot is part of a sign language that shows the "Paralympics" symbol with three fingers.

次回の Sign Language Cafe
7月18日(日)11:00 - 12:00
Next Sign Language Cafe
Sunday, July 18, 11:00-12:00

Sign Language Cafe の動画「Miko 先生の今日のおさらい」は、ハンズオン東京の YouTube チャンネルでご覧いただけます。

Please enjoy our video, "Today's Review by Miko Sensei", on Hands On Tokyo's YouTube Channel.

Miko 先生の今日のおさらい - 天気
Today's Review by Miko Sensei - Weather

Miko 先生の今日のおさらい - スポーツ
Today's Review by Miko Sensei - Sports

Activities to engage and boost the spirit of elderly


In the midst of the pandemic, regular family visits are cancelled, as a result the elderly have very few opportunities to connect with people outside the facility. Also, for the elderly, there are many hurdles to connect online and have live interactions. With the support of our volunteers, we are currently developing activities to bring smiles to the elderly living in nursing homes and special care facilities.


The volunteers from Edwards Lifesciences Ltd. (Japan), a medical device company, made personalized message frames for the elderly living in the nursing homes. We delivered a total of 230 uniquely designed personalized message frames to two nursing homes in Tokyo. All the elderly were delighted to receive the thoughtful gifts from volunteers.


Our youth volunteers have been core to our digital content development in the past year. This year as well, our high school youths developed a Virtual Talent Show video, where they show-cased their talents (songs, musical performances and dances) to entertain the elderly. Each participant prepared a song or musical track that they would want to perform in front of elderly and filmed their content, which was later combined in a talent show video to make it virtually accessible for the elderly. During this unprecedented time where we cannot directly meet the elderly, we are exploring various innovative ideas to develop fun interactive activities with them.

Support Youth in Need


Hands On Tokyo has been supporting children in need through our Life Skills Program. Recently, we have expanded the outreach of our program to high school youth graduates from children’s homes who are having a hard time during the pandemic. We have been delivering care packages with food and daily essential items for them. 


Medidata volunteers beautifully decorated Eco-friendly tote bags for youth in need. The volunteers uniquely designed the bags with beautiful arts and crafts works to make them special for the youth. The uniquely designed Eco-bags will not only be useful for their daily usage but also make youth feel valued and cared for by the volunteers. We delivered 35 uniquely designed eco-friendly bags to the youths in need via our partner children’s homes where these youths graduated from.

The volunteers from Standard Chartered Bank, Tokyo Branch organized a food and daily essentials drive to deliver care packages for youth in need. The volunteers collected a total of 20 boxes with various food and daily essential items to support the youth. 


The middle school students from American School In Japan organized a fundraiser event to collect 14 different foods and daily essential items to make 10 care packages for youth in need.


These care packages with necessary daily items will not only meet their immediate needs but also help to boost the spirit of youths during the difficult time. We have delivered the care packages to our partner children’s homes. The home's staff later delivered those packages to the individuals during their regular visits.


*私たちのコロナ禍での取り組みについて: ハンズオン東京 ウィズ・コロナ

詳細は、 www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
OUR MISSION: Hands On Tokyo provides meaningful bilingual volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community.

Our New Initiative: Hands On Tokyo with COVID-19

For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.


■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2021 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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