Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2021/7/31
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター 

◇Care Packageご寄付お願い
Please donate for our Care Package Project
Please support young people who are in need of help.
We Need Volunteers!
Volunteers are needed for our new projects to meet the needs of our community.
◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
Project Report Digest
Digest of our On-going Projects reports
Event Information
Please share our event information with everyone you know!
8/3 - LIVES*University WEBINAR - オンラインイベント / Online Event
9/26 - LIVES 2021 - ハイブリッドイベント / Hybrid Event
11/13 - A Taste for Volunteering 2021 - ハイブリッドイベント / Hybrid Event

◇Care Packageご寄付お願い
Please donate for our Care Package Project


Due to the long-term effects of COVID-19, young people who had graduated from childrens’ homes at the age of 18 and started living by themselves independently are in great need. To support them, childrens’ homes are putting more effort than ever in connecting with them, hearing about their situation, and providing them supplies on a regular basis.

In response to these community needs, Hands-on Tokyo is proceeding with a project to deliver care packages (relief supplies) containing groceries and daily necessities donated by our volunteers to the childrens’ homes.
Please donate for the Care Package project.
If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.

Your donation of 8,000 yen would cover a care package for 1 youth in need. Through our partners, we would like to send monthly (or bi-monthly) packages with daily foods and necessary items. 

We Need Volunteers!

Launched several new projects to meet the needs of our community.

ご興味がある方は info@handsontokyo.org までご連絡ください。
If you are interested in joining these projects, please contact us at info@handsontokyo.org




■Helping out with after-school cleaning at Aiiku Gakuen

For more than half a century, the Aiku School for Special Needs has played a pioneering role in helping with the education of children with developmental delays. Schools for children with these challenges have traditionally been hard to find in Japan. For example, At Aiiku Gakuen, children can freely express themselves not only with paper and at their desks, but also on the floor and walls by drawing, playing with clay, etc. Because of these activities, it is a challenge for the teachers to clean the school every day. Volunteers are asked to help the teachers clean up, once a week, for one hour at a time.

Location: Aiiku Gakuen (5-6-8, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku)
Time: Thursday, 14:30-15:30

■ストレッチ & 体操プログラム



■Virtual Stretch & Exercise Program

At many partner homes (Senior Homes, Children’s Homes, After-school class for children with disabilities),  outings have been severely restricted due to the long-lasting pandemic. We are looking for volunteers who will implement the program about once a month, after having a training session by professional trainers.  They will teach us a simple program with simple movements.

Location: Home
Time: We will contact you at a later date.
* Please participate in the online meeting with professional trainers

◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
Project Report Digest


One of Hands On Tokyo’s most important concerns, is “what can we do now to support our community,” and how can we support that community as quickly as possible.
◆LIVES キッチンカー「OOPEN!」
LIVES Food Truck "OOPEN!" 
Shopping Project for the Elderly Community 

By Aya Higa - Board Member, OOPEN! Project Leader 



「OOPEN!」 は農場から新鮮な野菜をこの団地に持って行き、ボランティアはジャガイモ、大根、玉ねぎ、キャベツ、にんじんなどの重い野菜を部屋のドアまで運ぶお手伝いをします。入居者の中には、車いすの方や、うまく歩けない方、若い人と話をしたい方などがいらっしゃいます。この活動は隔週の土曜日に行われます。入居者の皆さんはカレンダーに印をつけて、「OOPEN!」が来る日を楽しみにしてくださっているそうです! 

The LIVES food truck "OOPEN!", where staff with disabilities and volunteers enjoy working together, has been selling delicious lunch meals. Besides selling lunches, we started from June, a shopping project for the elderly community in Tokyo.  

This is a compound with 15 apartment buildings, where most of the tenants are in their 70s and 80s, and some of them live by themselves. Their apartment buildings are about 30 minute-walk from the train station and grocery shopping is a challenge for some of them. 

OOPEN goes to them with fresh vegetables from the farm, and the volunteers help carry the heavy vegetables, such as potatoes, daikon radish, onions, cabbage, and carrots to their apartment doors. Some of the elderly people are in wheelchairs, some cannot walk properly, and some simply want to talk to younger people. This is a bi-weekly project on Saturdays, and the people at the compound mark their calendars and look forward to the day of the food truck!! 

記事を読む / READ MORE - GlobalGiving OOPEN! Project Report 

■LIVES Project「SAMURAI 125」発足記念セッション
LIVES Project "SAMURAI 125" Launch Session
インクルーシブな社会作りをミッションとしているハンズオン東京の LIVES プロジェクトが、日本のビジネスリーダーが企業を変え、日本社会に変革を起こす活動を応援する「SAMURAI 125」を立ち上げました。この「SAMURAI 125」の発足を記念し、7月6日 (火) にセッションイベントを開催しましました。

LIVES プロジェクト「SAMURAI 125」は、障がい者など社会的な弱者を排除しない「ソーシャルインクルージョン」を目指すビジネスリーダーの皆さんとともに、このムーブメントを日本から世界へ発信していきます。


ゲストスピーカー:熊谷 晋一郎 先生
[ パネルディスカッション ]
イェスパー・コール 氏 (ウィズダムツリ―・ジャパン株式会社 CEO)
川田 忠裕 氏(川田テクノロジーズ 社長)
那部 智史 氏(NPO法人 Alon Alon 理事長)

We had a LIVES Project "SAMURAI 125" Launch Session on Tuesday, July 6th, 2021. Business leaders will change companies and bring about changes in the Japanese society!

"SAMURAI 125," a LIVES Project, aims to work with various business leaders whose goals are to create more “social inclusion.” These business leaders want a society that does not exclude individuals with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.The hope is to expand this movement from Japan to the rest of the world.

You can wantch the movie of this event on YouTube.

Guest Speaker: Prof. Shinichiro Kumagaya
[ Panel Discussion ]
Jesper Koll(CEO, Wisdom Tree, Japan)
Tadahiro Kawada (President, Kawada Technologies, Inc.)
Satoshi Nabe (President, NPO Alon Alon)

■LIVES Project「SAMURAI 125」発足記念セッション
LIVES Project "SAMURAI 125" Launch Session

■Sign Language Cafe

7月18日(日)に手話のワークショップ「Sign Language Cafe」をオンラインで開催しました。今回のテーマは「季節」。春・夏・秋・冬、あなたは、どの季節が一番好きですか? 春は、桜が咲くから好きです、夏は、海で泳げるので好きです……などを練習しました。次回の Sign Language Cafe は8月15日(日)です。

We had a "Sign Language Cafe" on Sunday, July 18, in a virtual setting. This time, the theme was "Seasons."  We practiced various answers such as "Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter." "Which season do you like best?" "I like spring because the cherry blossoms will bloom." "I like summer because I can swim in the ocean." etc. The next session will be held on Sunday, August 15th.

次回の Sign Language Cafe
8月15日(日)11:00 - 12:00
Next Sign Language Cafe
Sunday, August 15th, 11:00-12:00

◇イベント情報 / Event Information
8/3 - LIVES*University WEBINAR - オンラインイベント / Online Event
9/26 - LIVES 2021 - ハイブリッドイベント / Hybrid Event
11/13 - A Taste for Volunteering 2021 - ハイブリッドイベント / Hybrid Event
【LIVES*University Project Beyond Barriers WEBINAR SERIES】
■開催日時:第3回 2021年8月3日 (火) 20:00~21:30




【LIVES*University Project Beyond Barriers WEBINAR SERIES】
Third Webinar : Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021, 20:00~21:30
Topic:  So what can we do to make an actual change?
Guest Speaker:  The speaker of this webinar will be you and your peers!!

It is extremely important that we hear your voice and opinion to change and to move forward with the barriers we face everyday. We have all learned so much from our first guest speaker Uyanga and our second webinar presented by Mark. How do you feel and what do you think? Let's exchange our thoughts and find what we can do from here and on.

It’s okay even if you haven’t had participated in our previous webinars. Please sign up. We would love to have you there! 

*This event will be held on Zoom. Japanese/English and Sign Language interpretation will be provided.
*No Cost, Registration deadline is Monday, August 2nd, 2021.

■イベントの詳細 / Event Details

【LIVES 2021】
Sunday, September 26, 2021

「ひとりひとりの個性が輝き、みんなが一緒になって仕事をし、ごはんを食べて、楽しく笑えるような、インクルーシブな社会を作る」をミッションに活動している LIVES プロジェクトのアニュアルイベント「LIVES 2021」を、9月26日(日)、六本木ミッドタウンで開催します。今年は会場とオンラインのハイブリッドでの開催です。  

"To create an inclusive society where the individuality of each person shines and everyone is empowered to WORK, EAT and LAUGH together." We will have a LIVES Project annual event "LIVES 2021" on Sunday, September 26, 2021. This year, this event will be held as a hybrid event (on-site and online).

■開催日時:2021年9月26日 (日) 13:00~
■会場:六本木ミッドタウン ホールA、キャノピーエリア、オンライン(Zoom)

Date : Sunday, September 26, 2021, 13:00~
Venue: Roppongi Midtown Hall A, Canopy Area, Online (Zoom)
*Contact: livesproject@handsontokyo.org

テイスト・フォー・ボランティア 2021

A Taste for Volunteering 2021
Saturday, November 13th
恒例のハンズオン東京ファンドレイジング・イベント「テイスト・フォー・ボランティア 2021」を、2021年11月13日(土)に東京アメリカンクラブ、およびオンラインにて開催いたします。ぜひ、ご参加ください!

会場:東京アメリカンクラブ / オンライン(Zoom)
*お問い合わせ先: tfv-info@handsontokyo.org

Our annual fundraising event "A Taste for Volunteering 2021" will be held on Saturday, November 13th, 2021 at the Tokyo American Club and Online. Please join us!

Date : Saturday, November 13th, 2021, 18:30~
Venue: Tokyo American Club / Online (Zoom)
*Registration will start in late September.
Contact: tfv-info@handsontokyo.org


*私たちのコロナ禍での取り組みについて: ハンズオン東京 ウィズ・コロナ

詳細は、 www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
OUR MISSION: Hands On Tokyo provides meaningful bilingual volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community.

Our New Initiative: Hands On Tokyo with COVID-19

For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.


■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2021 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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