LIVES フードトラック プロジェクト
“LIVES キッチン”
LIVES Food Truck Project "LIVES KITCHEN"

Our Project's Renewal, and 5th Anniversary!
Get involved today and help us move forward!

LIVES フードトラックプロジェクトを財政的に支援していただける場合は、ハンズオン東京の下記ページよりご寄付をお申し込みいただけます。寄付申込書の使途に「LIVES フードトラックプロジェクト」とご記入をお願いいたします。

If you would like to support the LIVES Food Truck financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below. Please indicate "LIVES Food Truck Project" on the donation application form (Donation to be directed to…).

2018年から皆さんに愛されてきた LIVES フードトラックプロジェクトは、障がい者の「はたらく・たべる・わらう」をテーマに活動をしています。障がいのあるスタッフとボランティアが共に楽しくはたらく LIVES フードトラックの目的は、障がいのあるなしに関わらず、お互いに深い人間関係を築く大切さを伝えること、そして、誰もが受け入れられる働き方や生活環境を作るために、社会の意識改革に貢献すること。また、スタッフにとっては、「はたらく」の体験の場、就労に向けたステップアップの場でもあります。活動を始めてから5周年を迎える今年、私たちはこの取り組みをさらに多くの皆さんに知ってもらい、広めていきたいと考え、プロジェクトをリニューアルいたします。
The LIVES Food Truck Project, which has been a popular lunch destination in Tokyo since 2018, is dedicated to "work, eat, and laugh" for people with disabilities. The purpose of the LIVES Food Truck, where staff and volunteers with disabilities enjoy working together, is to convey the importance of building deep human relationships with each other, regardless of disability, and to contribute to raising social awareness to create a working and living environment that is inclusive of everyone. For the staff working here, it is also a place where they can take the next step toward employment. This year, as we celebrate the 5th anniversary of our activities, we are renewing our project with the hope of spreading this initiative to an even greater number of people.



The LIVES Project began as a way to address the challenges of the Special Needs community. 
Challenges that came to light through Hands On Tokyo's activities.
Hands On Tokyo was founded in December 2006 by Deva Hirsch, who came to Japan with a desire to contribute to the community in which she lived and worked beyond the boundaries of nationality, and was joined by other non-Japanese living in Japan, and Japanese who shared her ideas. In 2009, we were certified as a "Nonprofit Organization (NPO)." In 2017, we were certified by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as a "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation" with higher public interest.
Even after becoming a nonprofit organization, our mission has remained unchanged. Hands on Tokyo works with a variety of organizations that support people with disabilities, non-profit organizations, social welfare organizations, educational institutions, and medical institutions to plan and provide volunteer opportunities that meet the needs of the local community.

While talking to disabled people and their families, we have come to understand that it is a challenging environment for them. That they are not able to fully integrate into Japanese society, is something that needs to be addressed, with understanding and compassion.
LIVES プロジェクト
Work, Eat, Laugh
LIVES Project
We work every day, we eat every day, we laugh every day. We take these things for granted in our daily lives. However, there are many people who cannot do the things we take for granted. Hands On Tokyo hopes to create a society where each person's individuality shines through, and where everyone works together, eats together, and laughs together. In 2017, Hands On Tokyo launched the "LIVES Project" with the theme of "work, eat, and laugh" for people with disabilities, hoping to create such a society.

One of the LIVES activities, the Food Truck project, started in 2018. Staff with disabilities, with the support of energetic volunteers, serve lunch four times a week at various businesses and universities.

新生 "LIVES キッチン"
9月23日「LIVES TOKYO」でデビュー
今年、LIVES フードトラックは活動5周年を迎えます。おかげさまで、準備していたお弁当が完売する日も多くなり、サポートしてくださる皆さんから、「もっとたくさん販売してほしい」「私の職場の近くにも出店してほしい」というお声をいただくようになりました。しかし、私たちがプロジェクト開始当時に中古で購入した車両は、サイズも含め、皆さんのリクエストに応えてアップデートするには限界がきていました。そこで、私たちはプロジェクトのリニューアルに合わせ、車両の購入のためにファンドレイジングをすることを決めました。

新プロジェクトでは、パートナーとして新たに、世界の食のセレクトショップである「DEAN & DELUCA」を迎え、農業 × 福祉連携の学生主体の合同会社「かけわ」と共に活動を進めて参ります。インクルーシブな社会づくりをビジョンにする LIVES フードトラックを起点に、農家、学生、料理人、シェフ、さまざまなバックグラウンドを持つ人たちが結びつくことで、新たな価値や力を生み出すステップになることを目指します。皆さんのサポートにより進化した LIVES フードトラック "LIVES キッチン" は、9月23日(土・祝日)に六本木の東京ミッドタウンで開催されるイベント「LIVES TOKYO」でデビューいたします。
New "LIVES Kitchen
debuting at "LIVES TOKYO" on September 23rd
This year marks the fifth anniversary of the LIVES Food Truck program. Thanks to your generous support, we consistently sell out the boxed lunches that are prepared. Additionally, we often receive requests from our supporters to sell more lunches, and to open other locations near their workplace. However, the used vehicle we purchased at the beginning of the project has reached the limit of what it can achieve. 

Coinciding with the renewal of our project, and a new collaboration with Dean and Deluca, Hands On Tokyo has decided to start a fundraising event to help achieve the goal of purchasing a new Food Truck. This new Food Truck will allow us to more fully serve our community, and to provide better service to our customers.

For this new project, we have welcomed a new partner, DEAN & DELUCA, a global food boutique, and will be working with Kakewa, a student-led joint venture for agriculture x welfare collaboration. With the LIVES food truck as a starting point, we aim to be a positive step forward, creating new value and change, by bringing together farmers, students, cooks, chefs and people from diverse backgrounds with the vision of creating an inclusive society. The "LIVES Kitchen" LIVES food truck, which has evolved with your support, will make its debut at the "LIVES TOKYO" event, to be held in Tokyo Midtown in Roppongi on Saturday, September 23rd!

世界の食のセレクトショップ「DEAN & DELUCA」が商品企画・製造を担当。
DEAN & DELUCA, a select store for food from around the world, is in charge of product planning and production. Collaboration with LIVES Kitchen to employ people with disabilities in stores and kitchens.

No Code 米澤シェフ
Chef Yonezawa, No Code

Ata 掛川シェフ
Chef Kakegawa, Ata

Chef Akiyama, DEAN & DELUCA

クリスチアノ 佐藤シェフ
Chef Sato, Cristiano's

食のプラットフォームを目指す DEAN & DELUCA と、多様なジャンルのレストランシェフが創り上げる価値ある美味しいランチボックス『シェフズギャザリングボックス』
DEAN & DELUCA, which aims to be a food platform, and "Chef's Gathering Box," a valuable and delicious lunch box, created by restaurant chefs from various genres.

Kakewa, a student-run joint venture for collaboration between agriculture and welfare, is in charge of logistics. It also serves as a liaison between LIVES Kitchen and universities, such as Showa Women's University and Meiji University.

LIVES フードトラック リニューアルのイメージ
LIVES Food Truck Renewal Images 

ご寄付のお願い / 資金の使用目的
LIVES フードトラックプロジェクトのアップグレードに伴い、フードトラックの名称、車体、デザインなどをリニューアルいたします。皆さまからいただいた寄付金は、LIVES フードトラックプロジェクトの運営、主に老朽化した車両の買い換え費用(680万円)にあてさせていただきます。より多くの寄付金が集まった場合は、これからもプロジェクトを継続していくために、大切に使わせていただきます。
Donation Requests / Purpose of Use of Funds
Your donations will be used to renew and upgrade the program name, the design of the truck, and the truck itself(6.8 million yen), which is now over ten years old. The donations will also be used to expand the use of the truck, to reach more people and places, and to continue the truck’s use well into the future.


LIVES フードトラック スタッフからのメッセージ
Here are the voices from our Staff members, Haruka and Riho:

Message from Haruka(movie )

LIVES フードトラックで働き始めてから、他のスタッフやボランティアの方と仲良くなりました。外国人の友達もたくさんできて、とてもいい経験になりました。フードトラックの仕事はとても楽しいです。

Haruka:  From the first time I started working for LIVES Food Truck, I became good friends with other staff and volunteers.  I also got to know many non-Japanese friends, which was a great experience for me.  I am having fun working for the food truck!!

私は、LIVES フードトラックの活動がスタートした2018年からのスタッフです。最初はボランティアとして、今はパートタイマーとして働いています。いろいろな人たちと知り合えて、たくさんの人たちと一緒に仕事ができるのが楽しいです。また、いろいろなレシピを作ってみるのも楽しいです。将来は、食品関連の会社で働きたいと思っています。
Riho:  As a starting member of the food truck, I have been working for LIVES Food Truck from 2018; first as a volunteer, and now as a part timer. It is fun to get to know people, and to work with many different people. It is also fun to try cooking various recipes.  I want to work for a food related company in the future!!

毎週火曜日 川田建設前(東京都北区)
毎週水曜日 昭和女子大学キャンパス内(東京都世田谷区)
毎週木曜日 虎ノ門ヒルズ前、新虎通り(東京都港区)
毎週金曜日 明治大学キャンパス内(東京都杉並区)
Main Locations
Every Tuesday: In front of Kawada Construction (Kita-ku, Tokyo)
Every Wednesday: On the campus of Showa Women's University (Setagaya-ku, Tokyo)
Every Thursday: In front of Toranomon Hills, Shintora-dori (Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Every Friday: On the campus of Meiji University (Suginami-ku, Tokyo)

これからの LIVES キッチン

The future of LIVES Kitchen

By renewing our truck, and increasing the number of products we offer, we will be able to expand the number of locations where we can offer our service. In this way, we can provide more opportunities for people with disabilities to take the next step toward employment, continue to contribute to the creation of new jobs, and raise public awareness about the employment of people with disabilities.


地域社会を「たべる」でつなげる LIVES キッチンへのご支援をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
The individuality of each person shines through, with everyone working together, eating together, and laughing together. Your generous support will be a big step towards a more inclusive society. 

Please support LIVES Kitchen in connecting local communities through “eating together.”

Get involved today
LIVES フードトラックプロジェクトを財政的に支援していただける場合は、ハンズオン東京の下記ページよりご寄付をお申し込みいただけます。寄付申込書の使途に「LIVES フードトラックプロジェクト」とご記入をお願いいたします。

If you would like to support the LIVES Food Truck financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below. Please indicate "LIVES Food Truck Project" on the donation application form (Donation to be directed to…).
ハンズオン東京は、東京都より認定を受けた「認定特定非営利活動法人(認定NPO法人)」です。ハンズオン東京へのご寄付は日本での税制上の優遇措置(税額控除)を受けることができます。詳細は【 ご寄付のお申し込みページ 】にてご案内しております。

Hands On Tokyo was approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as an "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation" in December 2017. Donations for Hands On Tokyo are Japanese Yen tax deductible. For more information, please go to the " DONATE TODAY" page.



詳細は、 をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
Hands On Tokyo, an "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation," is a volunteer organization founded in 2006 through international exchange. Our mission is to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism, and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community. We aim for a society where each individual is valued, and where people proactively support each other.

What We Do:

For more information, please visit

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2023 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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