Global Volunteer Month
There’s still time to get involved!


April is Global Volunteer Month. Information for our Volunteer Month activities is available on our website under  "Volunteer Opportunities". 
There’s still time to get involved!

ボランティア活動予定 / Volunteer Opportunities

ハンズオン関西 / Hands On Kansai
Enjoy cleaning Dotonbori!
■道頓堀 クリーニング (大阪)
開催日時 : 4月27日(土)6:30 - 8:00

■Dotonbori Cleaning (Osaka)
Date & Time : Saturday, April 27th, 6:30 - 8:00
Venue : Dotonbori, Osaka City, Osaka

サインアップはこちらから / For sign up

Doutonbori, the hear of Osaka, and known as  a popular nightlife and entertainment area characterized by its eccentric atmosphere and large illuminated signboards. Many tourist visit but there are many garbage throuwn away on the ground. 
We will clean the street between Midousuji and Sakaisuji with "Doutonbori Fun Cleanning Association", who have been cleaning Doutonbori area for 15 years with a sprit of hospitality for tourists to enjoy the visit. The activitiy starts early in the morning but you can enjoy the different aspect of Doutonbori!

ハンズオン東京 / Hands On Tokyo
Special Olympics Unified Sports Program
開催日時 : 4月28日(日)10:10 - 11:30

■Competitive Cheer
Date & Time :  Sunday, April 28th, 10:10 - 11:30
Venue : Ota-ku, Tokyo

サインアップはこちらから / For sign up

スペシャルオリンピックスの「競技チア」プログラムで、アスリートと一緒にチアダンスを楽しみませんか? ダンスやチアリーディングの経験がないかたでも、楽しく、気軽に参加できます。この「競技チア」は、スペシャルオリンピックスのユニファイドスポーツプログラムで、知的障がいのあるアスリートと知的障がいのないパートナー(ボランティア)がチームメイトとなり、一緒にスポーツを楽しむプログラムです。

Let's enjoy the "Competitive Cheerleading" Program with Special Olympics Athletes! This program is fun and easy to participate in, even if you have no dance or cheerleading experience. This "Competitive Cheer" Program is one of the Unified Sports programs of Special Olympics. Unified Sports is Special Olympics' unique initiatives in which athletes with intellectual disabilities and partners (volunteers) without intellectual disabilities become teammates, both playing and enjoying sports together. 

■バスケットボール(上級男子)- 第3体育室 (代々木)
開催日時 : 4月29日(月・祝日)15:00 - 17:00

■Basketball (Intermediate Men) - Gym #3 (Yoyogi)
Date & Time : Monday (Holiday), April 29th, 15:00 - 17:00
Venue : Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

サインアップはこちらから / For sign up


In this project, you will help young men's athletes with intellectual disabilities (not physical) enjoy the game of basketball and practice intermediate/advanced basketball skills. We are looking for male volunteers with basketball skills (Varsity, Junior Varsity).

Diversity Workshop by Paralympic Gold Medalist Shigeo YOSHIHARA
開催日時 : 4月27日(土)9:00 - 10:20

 Diversity Recreation Experience
Date & Time : Saturday, April 27th, 9:00 - 10:20
Venue : Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

サインアップはこちらから / For sign up

In this activity, volunteers will wear blindfolds and enjoy various recreational activities together with members of the blind soccer team "Nogizaka Knights" lead by Shigeo YOSHIHARA, Paralympic gold medalist. Through this experience, we aim to deepen understanding of visual impairment, promote teamwork among volunteers, and help them realize the importance and fun of communication. 

■ 主な活動予定 / Some of our activities
4月25日(木)/ Thursday, April 25th
9:30 - 11:00    

サポート プロジェクト (タンゴセラピー) @東大和    
Supporting Project (Tango Therapy)@ Higashiyamato

4月25日(木)/ Thursday, April 25th
12:15 - 14:00
サポート プロジェクト (タンゴセラピー) @東大和
Supporting Project (Tango Therapy)@ Higashiyamato

4月27日(土)/ Saturday, April 27th
6:30 - 8:00

《関西》道頓堀 クリーニング (大阪)
《KANSAI》Dotonbori Cleaning (Osaka)

4月27日(土)/ Saturday, April 27th
9:00 - 10:20
ダイバーシティ レクリエーション体験
Diversity Recreation Experience

4月27日(土)/ Saturday, April 27th
13:15 - 14:30
シニアサポート プロジェクト (タンゴセラピー) - オンライン
Senior Support Project (Tango Therapy) - Online

4月28日(日)/ Sunday, April 28th
10:10 - 11:30


4月28日(日)/ Sunday, April 28th
16:00 - 17:30
《関西》【文通プログラム】文通サポート in 吹田
《KANSAI》【Pen Pal Program】Letter Writing Support in Suita

4月29日(月・祝日)/ Monday (Holiday), April 29
14:56 - 17:00

バスケットボール(上級男子)- 第3体育室 (代々木)
Basketball (Intermediate Men) - Gym #3 (Yoyogi)
ほかにも楽しい活動が盛りだくさん! 「ボランティア活動予定」にアクセスしてください!
...and more fun activities!  Please visit our "Volunteer Opportunities" page!

■ボランティア活動予定 Volunteer Opportunities

■マイ・リトル・デイオブサービス(My Little Day of Service)
#handsontokyo #GlobalVolunteerMonth #今踏み出そうボランティアに  

身近なところで自由にボランティア活動をしていただく「マイ・リトル・デイオブサービス(My Little Day of Service)」。個人で、ご家族と、お友だちとなど、皆さんが楽しんだボランティア活動を私たちとSNSでシェアしてください。

■My Little Day of Service on SNS
Please share your volunteer activities with #handsontokyo #GlobalVolunteerMonth #今踏み出そうボランティアに 

The "My Little Day of Service," is a fun volunteer activity where you are free to do volunteer work in your immediate area. Please share your volunteer activities you have enjoyed, whether individually, with your family, or with friends.



詳細は、 www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
Hands On Tokyo provides meaningful bilingual volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community. We aim for a society where each individual is valued, and where people proactively support each other.

What We Do:

For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.


■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2024 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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