Happy Global Volunteer Month
Thank you for your support!

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●Our Global Volunteer Month Review●
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Global Volunteer Month Report
- ご参加ありがとうございました!
- Thank you for your support!
What makes you volunteer?
- ショートクリップ from ボランティアリーダーギャザリング
- Short clip from the volunteer leaders gathering

Project Report Digest
Here are just some of the activities that took place during Global Volunteer Month.




Thank you for supporting Global Volunteer Month 2024!

During Global Volunteer Month, April, we completed 164 projects and engaged 971 volunteers. We had 5,590 beneficiaries and 1,631 volunteer hours. Thanks to the cooperation of so many of you, we were able to give back to the community with great results. Thank you so much!

■Our Impact during the Global Volunteer Month
Recipients: 5,590
Active Volunteers: 971 
Hours: 1,631
Projects: 164

What makes you volunteer?

- ショートクリップ from ボランティアリーダーギャザリング by 10K Humans
- Short clip from the volunteer leaders gathering, by 10K Humans

日本語 / ボランティア活動の魅力とは?

English / What makes you volunteer?

2024年3月に開催した Hands On Tokyo ボランティアリーダー ギャザリングで、ボランティア活動の魅力について皆さんにお聞きしたショートクリップを紹介します。


Here is a short clip from the Hands On Tokyo Volunteer Leader Gathering held in March 2024, where we asked volunteers, "What makes you volunteer?"

Also, three new programs were created from the ideas shared by everyone at the Gathering. Thank you so much!

Project Report Digest

Hands On Tokyo organizes about 100 programs each month with various community partners. Activities include sports with special needs athletes, interaction with the elderly, community cleanups, and much more. Here are just some of the activities that took place during Global Volunteer Month.

グローバルボランティア月間キックオフイベント / 荒川クリーニング
Global Volunteer Month Kickoff Event / Arakawa River Cleaning

The kick-off event for this year's Global Volunteer Month was the Arakawa River Cleaning. 34 volunteers joined us to clean the riverbed. We collected 28 bags (45L) of combustible waste, 2 bags (45L) of PET bottles, 4 bags (25L) of glass bottles, and 6 bags (25L) of cans.

グローバルボランティア月間スペシャルイベント / Hands On Day
Global Volunteer Month Special Event / Hands On Day

グローバルボランティア月間のスペシャルイベントとして代々木公園で「Hands On Day」を開催しました。「Fun with Art」「Fun with English」「Play & Fitness」「ダイバーシティレクリエーション」など、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンをテーマに、みんなで一緒にさまざまな活動を楽しみました。
We held a "Hands On Day" at Yoyogi Park as a special event for Global Volunteer Month. We enjoyed a variety of activities together under the theme of diversity and inclusion, including "Fun with Art," "Fun with English," "Play & Fitness," and "Diversity Recreation."

Diversity Recreation Experience

We wore
eye masks andenjoyed Diversity Recreation Experience activities together with members of the blind soccer team "Nogizaka Knights" lead by Shigeo YOSHIHARA, Paralympic gold medalist.

競技チア with スペシャルオリンピックス アスリート
Competitive Cheer with Special Olympics athletes


We enjoyed cheerleading dance with Special Olympics Athletes. This activity is one of the Unified Sports programs of Special Olympics. Unified Sports is Special Olympics' unique initiatives in which athletes with intellectual disabilities and partners (volunteers) without intellectual disabilities become teammates, both playing and enjoying sports together.

バスケットボール with スペシャルオリンピックス アスリート
Basketball with Special Olympics athletes


In this program, you will play games of basketball with Special Olympics athletes. Volunteers who are advanced basketball players are welcome!

機能開発プログラム with スペシャルオリンピックス アスリート
Motor Development Program with Special Olympics athletes
機能開発プログラム(MDP / Motor Development Program) は、スペシャルオリンピックスのアスリートの発達段階に合わせて、どのスポーツにも活用できる基本的な動きを楽しみながら習得することを目的にしたプログラムです。4月のMDPは、グローバルボランティア月間のスペシャル企画として、ワークショップ形式で開催しました。

MDP (Motor Development Program) is a developmentally appropriate program for Special Olympics athletes to learn basic movements that can be used in any sport while having fun. The MDP on April was held in a workshop format as a special event for Global Volunteer Month. 

パンケーキ&クッキーデコレーション with スペシャルニーズの子どもたち
Pancake & Cookie Decorating with Special Needs Kids

We enjoyed decorating pancakes and cookies with special needs children. The participating children also tried their hand at making pancakes. The pancakes looked cute and delicious with their creative decorations!

Social activities at senior citizens' facilities


In this activity, we focus on one country and talk about that country with the facility users. Everyone was interested and asked many questions, so we had a great time again.

"Minami Aoyama 1-chome Salon" Project

The “Minami Aoyama 1-chome Salon” is a gathering place for local residents who live alone. Five volunteers from Hands On Tokyo participated in the activity and enjoyed making KOINOBORI (carp streamer) crafts with the residents and chatting with them over a cup of tea.

LIVES フードトラックプロジェクト「LIVES キッチン」

"Work, Eat, Laugh"
LIVES Food Truck Project "LIVES KITCHEN"

障がいのあるスタッフとボランティアが共に楽しくはたらく「LIVES キッチン」の目的は、障がいのあるなしに関わらず、お互いに深い人間関係を築く大切さを伝えること、そして、誰もが受け入れられる働き方や生活環境を作るために、社会の意識改革に貢献すること。また、スタッフにとっては、「はたらく」の体験の場、就労に向けたステップアップの場でもあります。
The purpose of the "LIVES KITCHEN", where staff with disabilities and volunteers enjoy working together, is to convey the importance of building deep human relationships with each other, regardless of disability, and to contribute to raising social awareness to create a working and living environment that is inclusive of everyone. For the staff working here, it is also a place where they can take the next step toward employment. During Global Volunteer Month in April, we served lunch to approximately 650 customers. We appreciate your warm support. Thank you so much!

【ハンズオン関西 / Hands On Kansai】
OSANPO Volunteer @ children's home in Osaka

This activity is a program to walk and play with children from a children's home in Osaka Prefecture. On this day, we played tag and ball games with the children. Thanks to the support of many volunteers, we were able to take the time to play with each child.

【ハンズオン関西 / Hands On Kansai】
Doutonbori cleaning in Osaka.

Hands On Kansai volunteers cleaned up Dotonbori. There was a lot of garbage hidden not only on the streets, but also on vending machines and in other hard-to-see places. Many people feel guilty about throwing trash on the street, so they hide it and throw it away. We will continue this activity with the hope that there will be less garbage.



詳細は、 www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
Hands On Tokyo provides meaningful bilingual volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community. We aim for a society where each individual is valued, and where people proactively support each other.

What We Do:

For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.


■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2024 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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