Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2015/8/30
特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター

◇ハンズオン東京 プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Hands On Tokyo Project Report Digest
 "Obanazawa Watermelons" Project
◇東北トリップ 「笑顔をもう一度」
 Bringing Back Smiles - Tohoku Trip
◇ハンズオン東京 2015年のスケジュール
 Tentative Hands On Tokyo Events


◇ハンズオン東京 プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Hands On Tokyo Project Report Digest

 Report by: Ugne Noreikaite - Hands On Tokyo intern



8月13日(木)、ハンズオン東京のボランティアは、児童養護施設クリスマス・ヴィレッジでのフィットネス&ダンスプロジェクトを行いました。プロジェクトには8人のボランティアと約20人の子どもたちが参加。フィットネス&ダンスの先生、栄里とブライスは、フィットネスのエクササイズとヒップホップダンスの動きを指導してくれました。子どもたちはステップについていこうと頑張り、私たちボランティアよりも、よく踊れていましたよ! 休憩時間には、スナックを食べたり、飲み物を飲んだりしながら、子どもたちと一緒にこのプロジェクトについておしゃべりを楽しみました。みんなとても友好的で、私たちは素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができました!

■Christmas Village Children's Home's
 Fitness and Dance Project

On Thursday, August 13th, Hands On Tokyo volunteers participated in a Christmas Village fitness and dance project with children. There were 8 volunteers and about 20 children. Our professional teachers, Eri and Bryce, showed some fitness exercises and Hip Hop dance moves. The children tried to follow every step, and were better than the volunteers! We also had a snack and drink break. The children shared their impressions. They were so friendly! We all had a wonderful time!

■Koko Club 英会話プロジェクト

8月1日(土)に、ハンズオン東京のボランティアは、視覚障害の若者たちによるテニスチーム「東京ミラクルスターズ」の「Koko Club 英会話プロジェクトに参加しました。ボランティアは、いろいろな楽しいトピックについて話をし、ボードゲームの「へびとはしご」をプレーしたり、歌を歌ったりしました。生徒たちはすばらしい英語の知識を持っており、みんなとてもよく英語を理解していました! 私たちは時が過ぎたことに気がつかないほど、プログラムに熱中しました。この日は、スペイン、チュニス、リトアニア、オーストラリア、そして日本からボランティアが参加し、みんながそれぞれの国について話をしました。次回のプロジェクトは、9月に開催されます。また楽しい時間を過ごしましょう!

■Koko Club English Conversation Project

On Saturday, August 1st, Hands On Tokyo volunteers participated in the Koko Club English Conversation Project, with junior high school students and recent high school graduates with vision impairment who are part of the "Tokyo Miracle Stars" tennis team. The volunteers engaged in a variety of fun topics, playing "snakes and ladders", singing songs, etc. and were happily surprised by the students’ knowledge of English. The majority of them understood english incredibly well! Everyone was so excited, we did not notice how fast the time went. There were volunteers from Spain, Tunisia, Lithuania, Australia and Japan. Everybody shared information about their home countries. The next Koko Club Project will be in September. We hope to have fun together again soon!





■"Obanazawa Watermelons" Project

Farmers in Obanazawa city, Yamagata Prefecture donated many "Obanazawa Watermelons", their special product. Hands On Tokyo then gave them to the Christmas Village Children's Home and the Saiseikai Infants Home. The children were all extremely delighted by the 44lb (20kg) watermelons, saying "These are really big watermelons!" "It's so sweet!". Their smiles made us happy. Thank you Mr. Yoshihisa Takeda, Obanazawa City council member, Mr. Kyuji Orihara, Managing Director of the Agricultural Corporation YUMENIGURA, and all the staff involved for your wonderful support!

◇東北トリップ 「笑顔をもう一度」
 Bringing Back Smiles - Tohoku Trip

 Report by: Esther Kuykendoll - Project Leader


前回のご報告以来、ティーンアドバイザリーボードは大変忙しく過ごしてまいりました。週末には快適な東京を離れ、東北地方でボランティア活動をして過ごしました。 自然災害史上最も悲惨な被害を及ぼしたもののひとつである、マグニチュード9.0の地震がこの地方を襲ってから、ほぼ4年の月日が経ちました。そこに暮らす方々は決して忘れられた存在ではないのだと、ハンズオン東京が被災地を訪問する度に安心してくださいます。

Dear Supporter,

The Teen Advisory Board has been very busy since our last report. The teens left the comforts of Tokyo and spent a weekend volunteering in the Tohoku region. Almost four years have passed since the magnitude 9.0 earthquake damaged the area, causing one of the most devastating natural disasters on record. With each trip, Hands On Tokyo volunteers reassure the local residents that they have not been forgotten.

5月には、東京から17人の生徒たちが2人の付き添いとともに東北を訪れました。これは、支援者の皆さまに支えられてこそ、実現することができたプロジェクトです! ハンズオン東京のティーンアドバイザリーボードへのご支援をいただき、誠にありがとうございます。皆さまからのご寄付により、ティーンアドバイザリーボードは、私たちのが現在行っている東北での取り組みに貢献することができました。現在、グローバルギビングにおいて私たちは、4,150ドルの資金を調達することができ、最低目標額の到達まで、残り5,850ドルとなりました。目標達成のため、引き続き皆さまからのご支援をお願いいたしますとともに、ただ今進行中のキャンペーンについて、お知り合いの方々にもお知らせいただけると誠にありがたく存じます。

In May, 17 students accompanied by two chaperones travelled to Tohoku from Tokyo. This was made possible by supporters like you! Thank you so much for your support of our Teen Advisory Board. Because of your generous contributions, the Teen Advisory Board was able to contribute to our ongoing efforts in the Tohoku region. We raised $4,150 through GlobalGiving so far, and we have $5,850 remaining to reach our minimum fundraising goal. We need your help and support in getting the word out to others about this fund raising campaign to meet our goal!

Here is a recap of the trip from Jennifer, the club leader:


We finally arrived at Yamamoto-Cho after six hours of traveling. We were in Yamamoto-Cho to help Saito-san and is wife; all of his crops were destroyed in the tsunami. We started by securing paprika plants so they could continue to grow instead of flopping over to their side. This was a tedious task but no one complained. With 17 teen volunteers, the job was completed quickly and we moved on to the more labour-intensive task of sticking large metal tubes in the dirt to support the structure of the greenhouses. Although this was tough, we were able to get a couple greenhouses completed before we went to our hotel for the night. Before we left, Saito-san offered us some of his delicious fresh strawberries that we enjoyed while looking out at the beautiful mountains.


The next day, we traveled to Ogatsu-Cho where we visited the effects of the disaster on an elementary school. This touched the hearts of many of the students as they walked around the rubble viewing the broken down classroom walls and a crumbling painted mural of children holding hands. Then the bus drove us to a rose garden, which was started by Mrs. Tokumizu to give hope to the people because after the disaster the area was left undeveloped and gray. The rose garden was a symbol of regrowth, beauty and color. We pulled the weeds and cut the lavender to make potpourri.


After gardening, we went to visit an elementary school teacher who led us in a simulation of how the kids escaped from the rapidly rising water. We saw rubber balls, wood planks, and other things that got stuck in the trees when the tsunami hit. Then, he showed us a video that was taken on 3/11 of the actual tsunami. It was a very powerful experience. This really stirred emotion amongst the student volunteers and many told me that they would love to go on this trip again on their own time during the summer when they can as well as with the club again next year.


ハンズオン東京クラブリーダー ジェニファー

I really enjoyed being the trip leader and I am very excited for next year and all the volunteer opportunities to come. I am so grateful to be part of Hands On Tokyo and an active member of the Japanese community.

Jennifer, Hands On Tokyo Club Leader

Click here to donate or spread the word!

◇ハンズオン東京 2015年のスケジュール(予定)
 Tentative Hands On Tokyo Events
 - please mark your calendar!

◆10月4日(日)デイ・オブ・サービス 2015
◆11月14日(土)テイスト・フォー・ボランティア 2015

◆October 4th (Sunday) Day of Service 2015
◆November 14th (Saturday) Taste for Volunteering 2015

*If you wish to be removed from our mailing list,
please e-mail us at; information@handsontokyo.org.
発行:特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京Hands On Tokyo
Executive Tower Azabudai #402
1-4-3 Azabudai Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0041
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2015 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo