▼ お申し込み / Registration ▼

Registration is free of charge.


渋谷パルコDGビル 18階
カンファレンスホール「Dragon Gate」

Saturday, September 28, 2024
“Dragon Gate” conference hall,
18th floor of the Shibuya PARCO DG Building

渋谷パルコDGビル 18階 カンファレンスホール「Dragon Gate」

“Dragon Gate” Conference Hall, 18th floor of the Shibuya PARCO DG Building
*Please take the elevator from the "Office Entrance" to the reception on the 10th floor.
*8 minutes’ walk from Shibuya Station (JR, Hanzomon Line, Ginza Line, Fukutoshin Line, Denentoshi Line, Toyoko Line)

「一人ひとりの個性が輝き、みんなが一緒になって仕事をし、ごはんを食べて、楽しく笑えるような、インクルーシブな社会を作る」。LIVES プロジェクトのアニュアルイベント「LIVES TOKYO 2024」を、9月28日(土)14:30より、渋谷パルコDGビル18階カンファレンスホール「Dragon Gate」で開催いたします。

2017年にスタートした「LIVES TOKYO」は、おかげさまで8度目の開催となります。今年のテーマは「Diverse Views! その先にある新しい視点」。基調講演、LIVESMILE TALK、エンターテインメントほか、今回も盛りだくさんのコンテンツで皆さまをお待ちしています!
"To create an inclusive society where the individuality of each person shines and everyone is empowered to WORK, EAT and LAUGH together." We will have a LIVES Project annual event "LIVES TOKYO 2024" on Saturday, September 28, 2024, from 2:30 pm at the “Dragon Gate” conference hall, 18th floor of the Shibuya PARCO DG Building.

Our "LIVES TOKYO" event started in 2017, and thanks to all your support, this is the eighth annual LIVES TOKYO. This year's theme is "For a More Inclusive Society - Diverse Views!" Contents include keynote speeches, LIVESMILE TALK, entertainment, and more. We look forward to welcoming all of you again with great excitement!


12:00~エアカフェ オープン / Air Cafe Open
13:00~ 受付開始 / Reception Start
Diverse Cafe・物販ブースオープン / Diverse Cafe & Sales Booth Open
14:00~ 開場 / Doors open
14:30~オープニングアクト/ Opening Act
14:50~15:25 基調講演 / Keynote Session
15:25~16:00 LIVESMILE Talk
16:00~16:40 パネルディスカッション:1 / Panel Discussion:1 
17:00~17:40 パネルディスカッション:2 / Panel Discussion:2 
17:40~18:00 エンディング&エンターテインメント/ Ending & Entertainment
18:00~19:00 レセプション / Reception
...and more!

- ダイアログ・イン・サイレンス / Dialogue In Silence
ダイアログ・イン・サイレンス 「エアカフェ」は12:00にオープンします
Dialogue In Silence “Air Cafe” will open at 12:00

- Diverse Cafe
- 販売ブース / Sales Booth

Speakers and Performers

■ オープニングアクト / Opening Act

白井 崇陽 氏(魂のバイオリニスト)
Takaaki Shirai (The soul violinist)
His expressive music speaks to the soul. He fearlessly takes on challenging vocal pieces in his original album "Nostalgia of Sky and Earth." He performs nationwide, lectures, records music, and contributes to stage productions. His captivating melodies continue to delight fans, showcasing his unique ability to connect with listeners on a deeper level. Don't miss his regular live streams on YouTube, where he shares his musical talent with the world

■基調講演 / Keynote Session
HERALBONY's Vision of an Inclusive World: Creating a New Society with Unique Perspectives

松田崇弥 氏(株式会社ヘラルボニー 代表取締役)
4歳上の兄・翔太が小学校時代に記していた謎の言葉「ヘラルボニー」を社名に、双子の兄・松田文登と共にヘラルボニーを設立。「異彩を、放て。」をミッションに、福祉領域のアップデートに挑む。ヘラルボニーのクリエイティブを統括。世界を変える30歳未満の30人「Forbes JAPAN 30 UNDER 30」受賞。
Takaya Matsuda (HERALBONY Co., Ltd. Co-CEO)
Takaya Matsuda, along with his twin brother Fumito Matsuda, founded the company HERALBONY, named after a mysterious word written by his older brother Shota when he was in elementary school. With the mission “Unleash Uniqueness,” HERALBONY  strives to update and transform the welfare sector. Takaya oversees the creative direction of HERALBONY and has been recognized as one of Forbes JAPAN's "30 Under 30" for individuals under 30 who are changing the world.

■パネルディスカッション:1 / Panel Discussion: 1
Corporate Leadership in Leveraging Diversity in Organizations

Felix Busch (General Manager of Hilton Tokyo)
Germany-born Felix Busch, with over two decades of distinguished experience in the hospitality industry, has held the role of General Manager at several prominent properties, including Hilton Sydney, Hilton Nagoya, and Millennium Hilton Seoul. His extensive leadership expertise culminated in his appointment as General Manager of Hilton Tokyo in 2023, where he now oversees operations at Hilton's flagship hotel in Japan. 

高橋 伴樹 氏(株式会社ウェルカム DEAN & DELUCAカンパニー/DD 商品企画室 統括、執行役員)
2008年DEAN & DELUCAマーケット店舗マネージャーとして入社。バイヤー、オンラインストア&コーポレートセールス部門を経てグループ内のライフスタイルブランド「TODAY'S SPECIAL」の事業統括兼MDに就任。2022年にDEAN & DELUCA商品企画室統括に就任。2024年度より現職。
Tomoki Takahashi (Operating Officer, Product Planning Dept., DEAN & DELUCA COMPANY, WELCOME Co., Ltd.)
Joined DEAN & DELUCA in 2008 as a Market Store Manager. After working as a Buyer and in the Online Store & Corporate Sales Department, he was appointed Business Manager and Merchandising Director (MD) for the group's lifestyle brand "TODAY'S SPECIAL." In 2022, he became the Head of Product Planning for DEAN & DELUCA, and he continues to serve in this role as of 2024.

ファシリテーター:キャシー 松井 氏
(MPower Partners Fund L.P. ゼネラル・パートナー)
Facilitator: Kathy Matsui
General Partner, MPower Partners Fund L.P.

Kathy is a Founding General Partner of MPower Partners, Japan’s first ESG-integrated global venture capital fund. Formerly Vice Chair of Goldman Sachs Japan and Chief Japan Equity Strategist, she pioneered the concept of 'Womenomics' in 1999, influencing Japan's gender diversity policies. Kathy has advised corporations on governance, diversity, and sustainability. She holds an AB from Harvard University and an MA from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

■パネルディスカッション:2 / Panel Discussion: 2
Behind the Scenes of an International Sports Event from the Perspective of Staff with Disabilities~Practicing an Inclusive Workplace Environment~

井戸 愛 氏(東京2020組織委員会広報局 / 現在:公益財団法人東京都スポーツ文化事業団デフリンピック準備運営本部大会統括部渉外グループリーダー)

Ai Ido (Tokyo 2020 PR Division / Current Position:Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office, Tokyo Sport Benefits Corporation)

高野 七美 氏(東京2020組織委員会総務局 / 現在:日本電気株式会社コーポレートコミュニケーション部 / 障がい:聴覚障がい)

Nami Takano  (Tokyo 2020 General Affairs Section / Current Position:NEC Corporation Corporate Communications Department / Disability: Hearing impairment)

犬島 朋子 氏(東京2020組織委員会パラリンピック統括室 / 現在:東京都健康安全研究センター 疫学情報担当 / 障がい:ギラン・バレー症候群による体幹機能障がい)

Tomoko Inujima
(Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games Integration Section / Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Public Health / Disability: Trunk impairment due to Guillain-Barre Syndrome)

白井 長興 氏(東京2020組織委員会広報局 / 現在:読売新聞東京本社事業局スポーツ推進室
 / 障がい:脊髄損傷)

Nagaoki Shirai (Tokyo 2020 PR Division / THE YOMIURI SHIMBUN Culture & Sports Projects Bureau Sports Promotion Office / Disability:Spinal Cord Injury)


玉置 陽葵 氏(モデル)
Hiyori Tamaki (Model)
Born in 2006 and living in Tokyo, Hiyori Tamaki was diagnosed with Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (Ullrich Disease) at the age of two. In her first year of high school, she joined AccessiBeauty Management, an agency for people with disabilities. As a wheelchair model, she has appeared in commercials, fashion shows, and on social media. Now a first-year university student studying social welfare, she is also involved in activities to promote social inclusion. Her hobby is watching soccer.

永峰 玲子 氏・楓音 氏(スナック都ろ美 / 一般社団法人mogmog engine)
Reiko Nagamine and Kanon Nagamine 
(Snack Toromi / Incorporated Association mogmog engine)

Snack Toromi is a virtual snack bar for children with eating and swallowing disorders and their families. Our motto is 'Everyone has their own way of eating.' Our goal is to create a world where children with various eating forms, whether through the mouth, nose, or stomach, and their families can enjoy food.

Mika chan (Certified OriHime Pilot)
Diagnosed with ALS, I previously worked in a role focused on connecting people. Becoming a Certified OriHime Pilot allowed me to continue this passion. Through this role, I've connected with many individuals and found new inspiration. I take joy in helping others achieve their dreams through meaningful connections.

■LIVES エンターテインメント / LIVES Entertainment
LIVES テーマ曲「Happy now」 
LIVES theme song “Happy now”

Beverly 氏 (シンガー )
フィリピン出身世界レベルの実力派シンガーBeverly。テレビドラマやアニメタイアップソングなどヒット曲を持ち、その圧倒的な歌唱力に注目。毎月開催のYouTube LIVEでも歌声を世界に向けて発信中!

Beverly (Singer)
Beverly, the phenomenal singer from the Philippines, is making waves worldwide. Her chart-topping songs in TV dramas and anime have entranced audiences everywhere. Experience her breathtaking talent as she delivers electrifying performances during her monthly YouTube LIVE sessions, ensuring her captivating voice reaches every corner of the globe.

神威 龍牙 氏

Ryuga Camui (Wheelchair  Metamorphose  Artist)
Born with a life-threatening condition and given only a week to live, Ryuga Camui defied the odds and survived. At age five, Ryuga began chair skiing and later became a Japan Paralympic champion. Ryuga is also an actor, singer, and eSports competitor.

白井 崇陽 氏(魂のバイオリニスト)

■総合MC / MCs

田中 泉 氏

Izumi Tanaka
Izumi graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Law, Department of Political Science. She worked as an announcer at NHK for 9 years until 2019, primarily covering news programs such as "News Watch 9" and "Today’s Close-up+". After leaving NHK and taking maternity leave, she is currently active in various fields as an anchor, MC, interviewer, etc. She finished an English Master's program in public policy at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies last September.

南 正一郎 氏
毎年、LIVES Tokyo イベントでお馴染みの司会、ダウン症のある南正一郎さん。「正ちゃん」です!

Shoichiro Minami
Shoichiro Minami is a familiar host at LIVES Tokyo events every year. He has Down's Syndrome and is known as "Sho-chan"!

■世界初の "エアカフェ" LIVES TOKYOに登場!
The world's first "Air Cafe" is coming to LIVESTOKYO! 
*Reservations required; capacity has been reached

このカフェのテーブルには、目で見えるコーヒーやケーキ、カップやお皿は登場しません。”エア”の名前のとおり、リアルな飲食は伴わない、あなたの想像力でたのしむカフェです。ゆたかな表情とボディランゲージのプロフェッショナル、 ダイアログ・イン・サイレンスの聴覚障がい者のアテンドスタッフが店員となり、本物以上においしい”エア”カフェメニューを提供いたします。
Here, you won't see coffee, cakes, or cups on the tables. True to its name, the "Air" Cafe serves no real food or drink-it's all about enjoying with your imagination. The cafe is staffed by hearing-impaired professionals from Dialogue in Silence , who will offer you "air" cafe menus that are more delicious than anything real.

■ LIVES Diverse Cafe

LIVES TOKYOのイベントで、体験型カフェ「Diverse Cafe」をオープンします。このカフェでは、障がいのある方もない方も一緒に働き、温かく楽しい空間を作り上げます。美味しいコーヒーを楽しみながら、さまざまな働き方や協力の形を感じ取っていただけます。リラックスして特別な時間をお過ごしください。

今回は、STREAMER COFFEE COMPANYのご協力により、プロのスタッフと知的障がいのある方々が一緒にコーヒーを心を込めて準備しています。セルフサービスのコーヒーもありますが、特別な体験をしたい方は「Balloon Cafe」へどうぞ!視覚に障がいのある方が、SYNCREOデバイスを使ってお席までコーヒーをお届けします。

Join Us at Our Inclusive Cafe!

At the LIVES TOKYO event, we will be opening the interactive “Diverse Cafe,” where people with and without disabilities work together to create a warm and enjoyable space. Enjoy delicious coffee while experiencing different ways of working and collaborating. Take a moment to relax and enjoy this special time.

With the support of STREAMER COFFEE COMPANY, professional staff and individuals with intellectual disabilities will prepare coffee with care. Self-serve coffee is available, but for a unique experience, visit the "Balloon Cafe"! Individuals with visual impairments will use the SYNCREO device to deliver coffee directly to your table.

We also have tables where the remotely operated robot OriHime allows people who have difficulty going out to engage in conversations, as if they were right there with you. Please stop by and enjoy this special experience!

エスプレッソ系コーヒーを日本に広めたパイオニア。自社焙煎豆を使い、世界初の抹茶ラテや日本初のドラフトニトロアイスラテを提供。障がい者支援施設と連携し、障がいのある方々への就業支援活動も展開中。LIVES TOKYOのDiverse Cafeでは、障がいのあるスタッフと共に手掛けた特別な一杯をお届けします。

Leading the espresso revolution in Japan with the world’s first matcha latte and Japan’s first draft nitro iced latte, crafted with signature roasted beans. Partnering with disability support facilities, we empower individuals through employment training. At LIVES TOKYO's Diverse Cafe, enjoy a unique coffee experience crafted by an inclusive team.

「人類の孤独の解消」を創業理念とし、分身ロボット「OriHime」の開発・製造販売を行う。2021年に分身ロボットが接客する初の「分身ロボットカフェ DAWN ver.β」常設実験店を日本橋にオープン.

OryLab Inc.
Develops, manufactures and sells avatar Robot OriHime with the founding philosophy of 'eliminating the loneliness of mankind'; opens the first permanent experimental Avatar robot cafe DAWN ver. beta in Nihonbashi in 2021, where Avatar robots will serve customers.

Balloon CAFE / 株式会社 Raise the Flag. 

Balloon CAFE / Raise the Flag. Inc.
Our company exists for one reason: to change the world of visual impairment. We are currently developing "SYNCREO," which will turn the 'invisible' into the 'understandable’. We think we should have the opportunity to challenge all of us, with or without disabilities.

■ 販売ブース / Sales Booth

ファクトリー藍 / 社会福祉法人藍
Factory藍は、精神障がい・知的障がいのある方々が、藍染・織り・刺子製品などを製作する、就労継続支援B型事業所です。世田谷の若林から、Japan blueとも呼ばれる日本伝統工芸の藍染、織り、刺子等の洗練された製品をつくり出し、「新しい福祉の形」として社会に発信していくことを目指しています。

Factory Ai / Social Welfare Corporation Ai
Factory Ai is a Type B continuous employment support facility where individuals with mental and intellectual disabilities create beautiful indigo-dyed fabrics, weaving, and sashiko embroidery. Discover our "Japan blue" products and support a new form of welfare through traditional craftsmanship.

領家グリーンゲイブルズ / NPO法人みのり

Ryoke Green Gables / NPO Minori
Experience the unique flavor of coffee at Ryoke Green Gables, where skilled individuals with visual impairments perfect each roast by listening to the moisture in the beans, creating a taste that goes beyond sight.

QUON CHOCOLATE(クオンチョコレート)/ 一般社団法人ラ・バルカグループ

QUON CHOCOLATE / General Incorporated Association La Barca Group
QUON CHOCOLATE, a Japanese brand with 40 stores and 60 locations nationwide, proudly employs a diverse team to craft exceptional chocolates. Experience the taste of inclusivity and quality!

株式会社ゼネラルパートナーズ アスタネ

 General Partners Co., Ltd. Astane
Astane is a facility in Saitama that grows and sells log-grown shiitake mushrooms. Individuals with disabilities play a vital role, continually striving to produce high-quality shiitake. Don’t miss the chance to enjoy our thick, juicy Astane shiitake mushrooms!


Akagami Cola Laboratory
Meet "Akagami-kun," a true cola enthusiast. We produce and sell all-natural cola that has that familiar cola taste, just like you'd expect!


Volunteers are also needed to help with the event. Please access the “Volunteer Opportunities” for more details.

ボランティア活動予定 / Volunteer Opportunities





■ About LIVES Project

Working every day, eating every day, and laughing every day, should be a part of our daily lives. However, there are those who cannot do what we could consider as our daily activities.

Japan continues to be a difficult environment for those with disabilities to join the workforce and be a part of the community.

LIVES has a vision of a perfect inclusive society- a place where everyone's personality is valued and every individual is able to work, eat, and laugh together, regardless of their physical and mental capability.

ダイジェスト ムービー / Digest Movie

■ LIVES プロジェクトを財政的に支援していただける場合は、下記のリンクボタンよりご寄付をお申し込みいただけます。寄付申込書の使途に「LIVES プロジェクト」とご記入をお願いいたします

■ If you would like to support the LIVES Project financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below. Please indicate "LIVES Project" on the donation application form (Donation to be directed to…).
LIVES プロジェクト ご支援のお願い
LIVES Project - Get involved today
*Hands On Tokyo was approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as an "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation" in December 2017. Donations for Hands On Tokyo are Japanese Yen tax deductible.



詳細は、 をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
OUR MISSION: Hands On Tokyo provides meaningful bilingual volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community. We aim for a society where each individual is valued, and where people proactively support each other.

What We Do:

For more information, please visit

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2024 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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