Project Report Digest

Here are some of the activities of Hands On Tokyo
Hands On Kansai Feature
フェイス オブ ハンズオン関西
The Faces of Hands On Tokyo

Project Report Digest


Hands On Tokyo organizes about 100 programs each month with various community partners. Activities include sports with special needs athletes, interaction with the elderly, community cleanups, and much more. Here are some of the activities of Hands On Tokyo.

The "Super Diversity Volunteer!" Project


This project is an activity in which elementary and junior high school students join forces to volunteer with the elderly, and deepen their interaction with each other. Through this program, we aim to create a "super-diverse" community. In this community, children with and without disabilities, as well as children attending international schools, can volunteer in their communities. They can also engage in intergenerational interactions, including with the elderly. Some photos from a craft-making activity in collaboration with the "Hidamari Salon" of Chiyoda Ward (where multiple generations come together).

超ダイバーシティボランティア!× ひだまりサロン

開催日 :10月26日9:50 - 12:00

【Junior Volunteers Needed】
Super Diversity Volunteering! × Hidamari Salon 

DATE and TIME : Oct. 26, 2024, 9:50 a.m. - Oct. 26, 2024, noon
Meeting Place: Kagayaki Plaza 1F "Hidamari Hall"(Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
Participation Requirements: Elementary and junior high school students (6-15 years old)

▼詳細はこちら / For more information

Social activities at senior citizens' facilities


In this activity, we talk and sing songs with the residents of the nursing home. This time, the volunteers livened up the event by playing guitar and tambourine to songs that were familiar to the facility's residents. Residents said, "This brings back memories!" "I used to sing this song ♪". They sang happily as they recalled episodes related to the songs.

Helping out at the Manbou children's soup kitchen project

アディエン ジャパンのボランティアの皆さんに、まんぼう子ども食堂のお昼の調理と配膳のお手伝いをしていただきました。



The volunteers from Adyen Japan helped with lunch preparation and serving at the Manbou Children’s Soup Kitchen.

In the first half of the day, they set up the venue, washed the dishes and utensils, and prepared the meals. This time, we served stir-fry noodles with ankake starchy sauce, wakame soup, and ice cream with homemade apricot sauce. The volunteers worked hard to prepare the nutritious, vegetable-filled meal.

In the second half, the volunteers took over the dishwashing and served meals to over 60 people. Volunteers greeted and registered guests at the entrance, interacted with children while serving meals, and delivered wakame soup to the tables. Thank you for creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Hands On Kansai Feature


It has been two and a half years since we started our activities in Hands On Kansai. Now, Hands On Kansai holds monthly activities in the Kansai area about 10 times a month. We look forward to your joining us!

Doutonbori cleaning in Osaka.

今回は3名のボランティアの方々が参加してくれました。相変わらずのゴミの多さに加え、暑い! でも今回は人数が多く、とても手際よく早めに終えることができました。今まで他の場所でもクリーニング活動を行っていますが、道頓堀のゴミの量はダントツです。活動後、2時間もすれば人が溢れかえり、その分ゴミもまた出ているはず。やりがいのある、そして考えさせられる活動です!是非参加してみてください。

Three volunteers joined this time! There are tons of garbage as always and it was really hot! But there were many volunteers, therefore we could finish earlier. We had some cleaning event at several places but Dotonbori is the most dirty place. Even we finish cleaning, there will be a lot of people within 2 hours after we finish cleaning and dirty again…But it is very satisfying and thought-provoking activity. Please come and join us!

OSANPO Volunteer @ children's home in Osaka


This activity is a program to walk and play with children from a children's home in Osaka Prefecture. On this day, we played tag and ball games with the children. Thanks to the support of many volunteers, we were able to take the time to play with each child.

Photorogaining Project

ブラインドジョギングの練習会を主催しているランニングクラブ わーわーずさんの25周年のお祝いイベントでフォトロゲイニングに参加しました。フォトロゲイニングとは、用意された地図をもとに、時間内にチェックポイントを回るスポーツです。チームごとに作戦を立て、それぞれ点数が違うチェックポイントでは見本と同じ写真を撮影して、点数の高さを競います。ハンズオン関西から6名、それぞれブラインドの方々とチームになって回りました。とても暑かったですが、いつも公園から出て色々なところに行けて、歩きながらたくさんお話しできてとても楽しかったです。

We participated in photorogaining at the 25th anniversary celebration event of Wawas, a running club that hosts blind jogging activitiesPhotorogaining is a sport where players visit checkpoints within a given time based on a prepared map. Each team makes a strategy, and they need to take photos at the each checkpoint where has a different score, of the same angle as the sample and compete for the highest score. 6 volunteers from Hands-on Kansai formed teams with blind participants. Although it was a very hot day, we enjoyed walking outside of the park where we always have the blind jogging events and going to various places, and talking a lot with team mates while walking.

Pen pal program@Children's Home


We have started Pen pal program from February. They had the first online gathering on May and their desire to meet someday is growing since then. We had the first Pen pal program after the online gathering. The volunteer who participated this time happened to be a person who had been to the place where the pen pal lives many times on business. He taught not only how to write a letter in English but also about the town and local foods. They had a really good time.

フェイス オブ ハンズオン関西
The Faces of Hands On Tokyo


The warmth and smiles of our volunteers are an important source of our motivation. Here are three questions we asked our Hands On Kansai volunteers.

[お名前 / Name]Hiroko
[ご出身 / Hometown]Osaka

「何か私にでも出来る事はないかと探していた時に知り合いに紹介され、Hands Onの活動に参加するようになりました」

「一つの活動に絞るのは難しいですが、ボランティア側も活動参加者の方々も、皆さん笑顔で参加していらっしゃるなといつも感じますし、その姿に元気付けられます。(もちろん、気を付けるべき点を把握しておく必要はありますが)Hands On スタッフの方の「義務ではないので楽しんで活動出来るのが一番だと思う」という言葉がすごく心に残っています」


How did you start volunteering?
"When I was looking for something to do for the community, my friend introduced me to Hands On Tokyo, and I started participating in their activities."

What volunteering experience stuck with you the most and why?
"It's hard to pick just one activity. I always feel that both the volunteers and the recipients participate with smiles, and that cheers me up. The words of the Hands On Kansai staff, "Please just enjoy the activities, because it's not a duty," really stayed with me"(of course, it's necessary to understand the points that need to pay attention to).

What do you hope to accomplish through volunteering?
"I hope that Hands On Kansai will become more popular, and that volunteer activities will become more common. I also want to continue to enjoy participating in activities."


*私たちの活動について: https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/340/

詳細は、 www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
Hands On Tokyo, an "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation," is a volunteer organization founded in 2006 through international exchange. Our mission is to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism, and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community. We aim for a society where each individual is valued, and where people proactively support each other.

What We Do:   https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/340/

For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.


■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2024 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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