Hands On Tokyo has been granted $300,000
from the Hilton Global Foundation
*English follows Japanese
このたび、 ハンズオン東京は、2024年度の ヒルトン・グローバル財団の助成先として認定され、30万ドルの助成金をご支援いただくことになりました。この助成金は、障がい者の「はたらく・たべる・わらう」をテーマに活動をしているフードトラック「 LIVESキッチン 」を含む、ライフスキルプログラムの取り組みにあてられます。

ハンズオン東京は、ボランティアリズムとダイバーシティ&インクルージョンを浸透させることをミッションにしており、多様な背景や特性のある方々を対象にライフスキルプログラムを提供しています。発達障がいや知的障がいのある若者を対象としたプログラムでは、ヒルトン・グローバル財団の支援を受けたフードトラックプロジェクト「LIVESキッチン」を通じて、料飲部門で必要なスキルと職業経験を得る機会を提供し、自立への道を築く支援をしていきます。 ヒルトンでは、インクルーシブな職場文化を構築する取り組みの一環として、障がい者の雇用機会を創出に注力しています。 ヒルトン東京では、ハンズオン東京と共に、障がい者雇用および従業員へのワークショップなどを行っています。

「ヒルトン・グローバル財団からの助成金支援に感謝申し上げます。このご支援とヒルトンとのパートナーシップにより、インクルーシブな社会づくりをビジョンにするフードトラック『LIVES キッチン』を含む、ライフスキルプログラムの拡大が可能となりました。『LIVES キッチン』では、障がいのあるスタッフとヒルトン東京のボランティアが共に楽しく働いています。今後も、このパートナーシップがさらに発展していくことを楽しみにしています」
ハンズオン東京 事務局長

ハンズオン東京 ライフスキルプログラムとは


We are pleased to announce that Hands On Tokyo has been recognized as a 2024 Hilton Global Foundation Grantee, and will receive $300,000 in support. This grant will be used for our Life Skills Program initiatives, including our food truck project, LIVES KITCHEN, which is dedicated to the ideals of "work, eat and laugh," for people with disabilities.

Hands On Tokyo's mission is to promote volunteerism, diversity, and inclusion, and we provide Life Skills Programs for individuals with diverse backgrounds and abilities. For young people with developmental or intellectual disabilities, we will provide opportunities to gain the skills and work experience needed in the food and beverage industry, through the food truck project "LIVES KITCHEN." The "LIVES KITCHEN" project is supported by the Hilton Global Foundation, whose aim is to support these young people on their path to independence.

Our corporate partner, Hilton, is committed to creating an inclusive workplace culture by focusing on providing employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Hilton Tokyo is working with us to hold workshops for employees, and to promote the employment of people with disabilities.
"We would like to express our gratitude for the grant support from the Hilton Global Foundation. Thanks to this support and our partnership with Hilton, we have been able to expand our Life Skills Programs, including the food truck 'LIVES KITCHEN', which has the vision of creating an inclusive society. At 'LIVES KITCHEN', our staff with disabilities and volunteers from Hilton Tokyo are working together in a fun and rewarding environment. We look forward to further developing this partnership in the future."
Harumi Kachi
Executive Director, Hands On Tokyo

About Hands On Tokyo Life Skills Program
The Hands On Tokyo Life Skills Program is an initiative that aims to create an inclusive society, by providing individuals with diverse backgrounds and abilities with more opportunities to play an active role in the workplace. This program provides each individual with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and experience to expand their potential and put it into practice.

LIVES Project Mission





LIVES Project Mission

To create an inclusive society where the individuality of each person shines
and everyone is empowered to WORK, EAT and LAUGH together.

Working every day, eating every day, and laughing every day, should be a part of our daily lives.

However, there are those who cannot do what we could consider as our daily activities.

Japan continues to be a difficult environment for those with disabilities to join the workforce and be a part of the community.

How difficult it is for people with mental, intellectual and physical challenges to live like others in our current society!


*私たちの活動について: https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/340/

詳細は、 www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
OUR MISSION: Hands On Tokyo provides meaningful bilingual volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community. We aim for a society where each individual is valued, and where people proactively support each other.

What We Do:  https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/340/

For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.


■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.


*Hands On Tokyo was approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as an "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation" in December 2017. Donations for Hands On Tokyo are Japanese Yen tax deductible.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2024 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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