◆ ご寄付のお願い ◆
Please Donate to our "Be a Santa Project"
Please indicate "Santa Project" on the donation application form

The final deadline will be Friday, December 20th, 2024.


12月5日までにご支援いただいた金額は 742,516 円となり、約200名の子どもたちにホリデーギフトをお贈りすることが決まりました。







Thank you very much for your generous support of our "Be a Santa Project,” which brings smiles to children during the holiday season.

Your support through December 5th, 2024, has brought the total amount of donations to 742,516 yen, and it has been decided that holiday gifts will be delivered to about 200 children.

We will continue this project with a final deadline of December 20th, 2024. Your donations will be used to deliver gifts for children with special needs (intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, Down syndrome), and children who gather at the Children's Cafeteria (children in need, and children from single-parent families), as well as to support the holding of seasonal events. 

■Community partners we plan to deliver to:

*Children with special needs (intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, Down syndrome)

*Children in need, and children from single-parent families, who gather at the Children's Cafeteria

■Community partners we will deliver to:

*Children’s Homes 
Gifts will be delivered to children living in children’s homes, where they reside due to various circumstances that prevent them from living with their families. 

*Mother and Child Support Facilities 
Gifts will be delivered to children in facilities that support mothers and children, helping them rebuild their lives and become independent.

*Facilities for Children with Serious Illnesses and Their Families 
Gifts will be delivered to children undergoing long-term medical treatment and their families staying in facilities that offer support during their care.




■About "Be a Santa Project”

Hands On Tokyo has launched the "Be a Santa Project," with the hope of bringing smiles to the faces of many children during this holiday season. This project provides holiday gifts for children living in children's homes, mother and child support facilities, and children undergoing long-term medical treatment.

Your donations will be carefully used to purchase holiday gifts (toys, books, snacks, and other items that children will enjoy) for Hands On Tokyo's "Be a Santa Project," and to cover the cost of packaging and shipping.

2023年のこのプロジェクトには 692,000 円のご寄付をいただき、180名の子どもたちにホリデーギフトとともに笑顔を贈ることができました。


乳幼児 40名 小学生 60名

乳幼児 25名 小学生 15名 中高生 10名

小学生~高校生 30名
■昨年の最終締め切りまでにいただいた「サンタさんになろうプロジェクト」へのご寄付 172,000 円は、コミュニティパートナーのスペシャルニーズ(知的障がい、発達障がい、ダウン症)の子どもたち、子ども食堂に集う生活困窮する子ども、ひとり親家庭の子どもたちへのギフトやシーズンイベント実施のサポートなどにあてさせていただきました。皆さまからのたくさんのご支援、どうもありがとうございました。

“Be a Santa Project” 2023 Achievements

Last year, we received 692,000 yen in donations and were able to provide holiday gifts and happiness for 180 children.

■Community partners we delivered to:

*Facilities for Children with Serious Illnesses and Their Families 
40 Infants, 60 Elementary school students

*Mother and Child Support Facilities 
25 Infants, 15 Elementary school students, 10 High school students

*Children’s Homes 
30 Elementary to high school students
■ After last year's 1st deadline, we received 172,000 yen in donations for our "Be a Santa Project". We used your generous contributions to deliver gifts for children with special needs (intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, Down syndrome), and children who gather at the Children's Cafeteria (children in need, and children from single-parent families), as well as to support the holding of seasonal events. Thank you for your generous support.

子どもたちからの写真をご紹介 / Some photos from the children
*2023年「サンタさんになろうプロジェクト」より / From the "Be a Santa Project" in 2023

Get involved today

The final deadline will be Friday, December 20th, 2024.


■ If you would like to support our "Be a Santa Project" financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below. Please indicate "Santa Project" on the donation application form.

■ お問い合わせ / Contact: info@handsontokyo.org

ハンズオン東京は、東京都より認定を受けた「認定特定非営利活動法人(認定NPO法人)」です。ハンズオン東京へのご寄付は日本での税制上の優遇措置(税額控除)を受けることができます。詳細は【  ご寄付のお申し込みページ 】にてご案内しております。

Hands On Tokyo was approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as an "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation" in December 2017. Donations for Hands On Tokyo are Japanese Yen tax deductible. For more information, please go to the " DONATE TODAY" page.


【港区 ふるさと納税】


You can support Hands On Tokyo through the Minato City's FURUSATO NOZEI.

[Minato City's FURUSATO NOZEI] 
Minato City's version of the hometown tax payment system "Group Support Donation"


*私たちの活動について: https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/340/

詳細は、 www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
Hands On Tokyo, an "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation," is a volunteer organization founded in 2006 through international exchange. Our mission is to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism, and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community. We aim for a society where each individual is valued, and where people proactively support each other.

What We Do:   https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/340/

For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2024 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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