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Enjoy Creative Crafting!
A Sakura Project Overview

*English follows Japanese





Your time and kindness can make a real difference for someone in need

Just a little of your time and kindness will help make someone feel warm and cared for. Let’s open our hearts and use our creativity to touch as many people as we can.

Hands On Tokyo has organized a craft project to help residents in senior homes, mother and child care facilities, children's homes and infants' homes connect with others, and with the seasons of nature.

Volunteers will be asked to create cherry blossoms with their crafts, and at the end of the project, each of them will be combined to make a cherry blossom wall decoration. This is a spectacular craft project where each person's cherry blossoms are collected to complete one piece of artwork.



サイズ:ひとつの花の大きさがA4サイズ以内(A4サイズは 210mm×297mm です)


ハンズオン東京 近藤 摩都香



■About the Sakura Craft you will make

You can use any materials and colors you like, as long as they are not dangerous to touch. Please make your own cherry blossoms as you see fit.

Size: Each Sakura craft should be no larger than A4 size (A4 size is 210mm x 297mm).

Material and shipping costs: Please bear your own costs.

Deadline: Must arrive at the Hands On Tokyo office by Friday, February 28th.

Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Hands On Tokyo Madoka Kondo

*If you have any questions, please contact us at madoka.kondo@handsontokyo.org

■About facilities where our Sakura Craft will be displayed
We will send our Sakura Craft to Hands On Tokyo partner organizations, social welfare facilities, children's homes, infants' homes, mother and child care facilities,senior homes, special needs schools and organizations, etc.


■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.


Hands On Tokyo has been approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as an "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation" in December 2017. Donations for Hands On Tokyo are Japanese Yen tax deductible. 


*私たちの活動について: https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/340/

詳細は、 www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
OUR MISSION: Hands On Tokyo provides meaningful bilingual volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community. We aim for a society where each individual is valued, and where people proactively support each other. 

What We Do: https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/340/

For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
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