「LIVES キッチン」から2名がヒルトン東京に就職!

Two "LIVES KITCHEN" staff members have joined the Hilton Tokyo!

LIVES フードトラックプロジェクト
「LIVES キッチン」
“Work, Eat, Laugh“
LIVES Food Truck Project "LIVES KITCHEN"

2018年から皆さんに愛されてきたLIVES フードトラックプロジェクト「LIVES キッチン」は、障がい者の「はたらく・たべる・わらう」をテーマに活動をしています。障がいのあるスタッフとボランティアが共に楽しくはたらく「LIVES キッチン」の目的は、障がいのあるなしに関わらず、お互いに深い人間関係を築く大切さを伝えること、そして、誰もが受け入れられる働き方や生活環境を作るために、社会の意識改革に貢献すること。また、スタッフにとっては、「はたらく」の体験の場、就労に向けたステップアップの場でもあります。

このたび、「LIVES キッチン」から2名のスタッフがヒルトン東京にパートタイム従業員として雇用されましたことをご報告させていただきます。

The LIVES Food Truck Project  "LIVES KITCHEN", which has been a popular lunch destination in Tokyo since 2018, is dedicated to "work, eat, and laugh" for people with disabilities. The purpose of the LIVES Food Truck, where staff with disabilities and volunteers enjoy working together, is to convey the importance of building deep human relationships with each other, regardless of disability, and to contribute to raising social awareness to create a working and living environment that is inclusive of everyone. For the staff working here, it is also a place where they can take the next step towards employment.

We would like to inform you that two LIVES Kitchen staff members have been hired as part-time employees at the Hilton Tokyo.


「LIVES キッチン」のボランティア活動で、障がいのある人との「はたらく」のおもしろさ、楽しさ、大切さを感じたひとりのコミュニティーボランティアが、自身の勤務先であるヒルトン東京との橋渡しとなり、ハンズオン東京とヒルトン東京のパートナーシップがスタートしました。2023年からは、ヒルトン東京での定期的な出店だけではなく、出店時に多くのヒルトン東京の社員の皆さんがボランティアとして活動に参加、障がいのあるスタッフとの「はたらく」を経験していただきました。
One volunteer's story of becoming a bridge between the LIVES KITCHEN, 
and a partnership with an international company

One volunteer who felt the fun, importance and joy of working with people with disabilities through the volunteer activities of the "LIVES KITCHEN" project, became a bridge between her employer, the Hilton Tokyo, and Hands On Tokyo. The partnership between Hands On Tokyo and the Hilton Tokyo began in 2023, when the “LIVES KITCHEN” opened regular service at the Hilton Tokyo. Many Hilton Tokyo employees participated in the activities as volunteers, and experienced working with our disabled staff.

2024年には、ヒルトン東京で障がいのある人たちが実際の職場での仕事を経験する機会をいただき、2週間のインターンシップが実施されました。それぞれの職場の皆さんが工夫しながら、障がいのある人と一緒に「はたらく」の経験をしました。障がいのあるスタッフにとっては初めてのホテルの職場で、最初は緊張していましたが、実際の業務で多くの経験を積み大きく成長しました。そして2名が「LIVES キッチン」を卒業し、ヒルトン東京にパートタイム従業員として雇用されました。多くの方々のご支援のおかげで、大きな一歩を踏み出すことができました。また、これまでの取り組みが評価され、ヒルトン・グローバル財団から本プロジェクトを含めたライフスキルプログラムに助成金をいただけることとなりました。私たちは、今後もさらなる発展を目指し、活動を続けてまいります。


Photo from the internship program held at the Hilton Tokyo in May 2024

Internship experience leads to job opportunity

In 2024, the Hilton Tokyo offered people with disabilities the opportunity to gain work experience, and held a two-week internship program. At each workplace, everyone came up with their own ideas and had the experience of working together with people with disabilities. For our staff with disabilities, this was their first time working in a hotel, and while they were nervous at first, they gained a lot of experience and grew tremendously. Two of them graduated from the "LIVES KITCHEN" and got part-time jobs at the Hilton Tokyo. Thanks to the support of many people, we were able to take a big step forward. In addition, our efforts have been recognized, and we received a grant from the Hilton Global Foundation for our Life Skills Program, including the "LIVES KITCHEN” project. We will continue these activities with the goal of further development in the future.

「LIVES キッチン」活動紹介動画
Short clip introducing the "LIVES KITCHEN" project.


「LIVES キッチン」の活動は下記でもご案内しております。
For more information about our "LIVES KITCHEN":
Webpage:  https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/413/
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/liveskitchen_/

「LIVES キッチン」では、目標に向かって一緒に楽しくはたらきたい!と思っている障がいのある方を募集しています。週1回から勤務が可能ですので、現在通っている事業所がある方も併用してご参加いただけます。見学や体験も大歓迎ですので、ぜひお気軽にお問い合わせください。

New staff wanted!
LIVES Kitchen is looking for people with disabilities, who want to work together towards a common goal in a fun environment. Your work schedule can be as few as only one day a week, allowing you to continue working at your current workplace. We also welcome visits and trial work, so please feel free to contact us.

お問い合わせ / Contact

ハンズオン東京 ライフスキルプログラムとは
About Hands On Tokyo Life Skills Program
The Hands On Tokyo Life Skills Program is an initiative that aims to create an inclusive society, by providing individuals with diverse backgrounds and abilities with more opportunities to play an active role in the workplace. This program provides each individual with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and experience to expand their potential and put it into practice.

LIVES Project Mission





LIVES Project Mission

To create an inclusive society where the individuality of each person shines
and everyone is empowered to WORK, EAT and LAUGH together.

Working every day, eating every day, and laughing every day, should be a part of our daily lives.

However, there are those who cannot do what we could consider as our daily activities.

Japan continues to be a difficult environment for those with disabilities to join the workforce and be a part of the community.

How difficult it is for people with mental, intellectual and physical challenges to live like others in our current society!


*私たちの活動について: https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/340/

詳細は、 www.handsontokyo.org をご覧ください。 

■About Hands On Tokyo
OUR MISSION: Hands On Tokyo provides meaningful bilingual volunteer opportunities to foster volunteerism and develop leaders to serve the needs of our community. We aim for a society where each individual is valued, and where people proactively support each other.

What We Do:  https://www.handsontokyo.org/topics/340/

For more information, please visit www.handsontokyo.org.


■If you would like to support us financially, please visit the Hands On Tokyo website page below.


*Hands On Tokyo was approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as an "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation" in December 2017. Donations for Hands On Tokyo are Japanese Yen tax deductible.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
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