Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2015/12/04
特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター

◇テイスト・フォー・ボランティア 2015
 A Taste for Volunteering 2015
◇ハンズオン東京 プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Hands On Tokyo Project Report Digest
◇コーポレート・プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Corporate Project Report Digestt
◇ボランティア活動時間の証明について 重要なお知らせ
 Important Information on Volunteer Hours


◇テイスト・フォー・ボランティア 2015
 A Taste for Volunteering 2015

ハンズオン東京のファンドレイジング・イベント「テイスト・フォー・ボランティア 2015」が、11月14日(土)に東京アメリカンクラブで行われました。高円宮妃殿下にご臨席いただき、300名ほどのお客様にお越しいただき盛大に開催することができました。皆様のお陰をもちまして300近い素晴らしい賞品を、ライブオークション、サイレントオークション、ラッフルに出すことができました。



*TFV 2015 をご支援くださった皆さま [Click Here(Logos)] and [Here]

On behalf of Hands On Tokyo, we would like to thank you for your generous donations for the fundraising event, “A Taste for Volunteering 2015,” that was held at the Tokyo American Club on Saturday, November 14th. We received over 300 items for the live auction, silent auction and raffle. More than 300 guests were in attendance at the event including Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado.

The funds raised will be used to support new and on-going projects in Tokyo as well as Tohoku relief projects. We at Hands On Tokyo are committed to creating more volunteer opportunities for Japanese and non-Japanese volunteers, so that together, we can make a positive difference in our community.

Thank you again for your support and generosity.

*For Event Donors of TFV 2015 [Click Here(Logos)] and [Here]

“Shakuhachi” Player, Masaki Nakamura

Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado
MCはスチュアート オーさん、高野京子さん
MC's Stuart O and Kyoko Takano
Table Setting
Live Auction Items
Live Auction
Silent Auction Items
Champagne Raffle
Drawing of Raffle
Auctioneer, Tetsuji Shibayama and Happy winner!
Dancing Begins!
TFV 2015 をご支援くださった皆さま
For Event Donors of TFV 2015
[Click Here(Logos)] and [Here]

*Photos / KenzKono

◇ハンズオン東京 プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Hands On Tokyo Project Report Digest


■東北プロジェクト「サムライフェス in 南相馬」


■Tohoku Project "Samurai Festival in Minami Soma"

Hands On Tokyo volunteers supported the Samurai Festival in Minami Soma, Fukushima Prefecture. On October 24th and 25th, we helped make armor for the Festival. On October 31st and November 1st, we helped with the preparation of the Festival and managed the Hands On Cafe at the Samurai Festival. We served fresh Yakisoba, Hot Dogs, Dessert and Drinks. Everyone had an enjoyable time!



■Special Olympics Nippon Tokyo, Motor Development Program "Unified Act Day"

On September 26th, Hands On Tokyo volunteers participated in the Special Olympics Nippon Tokyo, Motor Development Program "Unified Act Day". People from diverse backgrounds gathered and enjoyed sports together. We hope to have more opportunities like this!





ハンズオン東京のボランティアたちは、済生会乳児院で生活する子どもたちの10月のバースデーパーティーのお手伝いをしました。今回のテーマは "ハッピー・ハロウィン"。ジャック・オー・ランタン、おばけ、黒猫などをディスプレイしました!

■Decorating Project for Saiseikai Infants’ Home

Hands On Tokyo volunteers helped to celebrate a wonderful October birthday month at the Saiseikai Infants’ Home. This event's theme was "Happy Halloween". We set up the decoration board with Halloween decorations such as Jack-O-Lanterns, Ghosts and Black Cats!


◇コーポレート・プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Corporate Project Report Digest

■児童養護施設 調布学園での共同ペンキ塗りプロジェクト

3社から39人のボランティアが5日間にわたり、児童養護施設 調布学園のプールの壁のペンキ塗りを実施しました。GIC、コンラッド東京、プログレッシブのボランティアのコラボにより、薄暗いコンクリート塀が明るく生まれ変わりました!

■Collaborative Painting Project at Chofu Gakuen Children's Home

39 volunteers from three companies helped to paint the swimming pool wall at Chofu Gakuen Children's Home over five days. The dark concrete wall was transformed into a bright color through collaborative efforts by volunteers from GIC, Conrad Tokyo and Progressive!



■Cooking Lessons for Underprivileged Children

On October 12th, MetLife volunteers held a Spanish cooking lesson for children from four children's homes. Volunteers worked with the children in pairs to make paella and learn about Spanish culture.


◇ボランティア活動時間の証明について 重要なお知らせ
 Important Information on Volunteer Hours


*証明書の発行について [Click Here]

When you log in to the Hands On Tokyo website, your volunteer hours for the year will appear on the top-right of the page. This number is reset back to “0” every year on January 1st. If you require a verification of your volunteer hours, please make sure to keep a screen shot of the page before the numbers are reset. We will need a screenshot of your volunteer hours in order to issue a certificate.

Pease refer below URL; "How to issue the verification form".
*How to issue the verification form [Click Here]

*If you wish to be removed from our mailing list,
please e-mail us at; information@handsontokyo.org.
発行:特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Executive Tower Azabudai #402
1-4-3 Azabudai Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0041
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2015 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo