Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2017/7/30
特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター


 - 障がい者のための働き方改革プロジェクト始動!
 - A project to change the working environment for people with disabilities.

◇ハンズオン東京 プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Hands On Tokyo Project Report Digest

◇フェイス オブ ハンズオン東京
 Faces of Hands On Tokyo



A project to change the working environment for people with disabilities.

日時 / Date: 2017.9.10 Sunday, 10:00-17:00
会場 / Venue: 東京ミッドタウン、ホールA・B・キャノピースクエア
Tokyo Midtown, Hall A・B・Canopy Square

*For more information;


Working every day, eating every day and laughing everyday should be a part of our daily lives. However, there are those who cannot do what we would consider as our daily activities. Japan continues to be a difficult environment for those with disabilities to join the workforce and be a part of our society. How difficult is it for people with mental, intellectual and physical challenges to live like others in our current society? We are starting the LIVES Project to create a society where each individual can shine:- where everyone can work, eat and laugh together, as one!

■主催: 特定非営利活動法人 ハンズオン東京
■特別協賛: 公益財団法人 日本財団
■協賛: 三井不動産株式会社、大和ハウス工業株式会社、All Stars Foundation、株式会社パソナ、日本ケミファ株式会社  
■後援: アメリカ大使館、内閣府(予定)
■企画: NPO 法人Ubdobe、株式会社フロンティアインターナショナル

■Special Sponsor : The Nippon Foundation
■Sponsors : Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd., Daiwa House Industry, Co, Ltd., All Stars Foundation, Pasona Inc., Nippon Chemiphar Co., Ltd.
■Supported by : U.S. Embassy Cabinet Office (to be confirmed)
■Planned by : NPO Ubdobe, Frontier International Co., Ltd.
■Organised by : Hands On Tokyo


◇ハンズオン東京 プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Hands On Tokyo Project Report Digest 


6月10日(土)、11日(日)にアメリカン・スクール・イン・ジャパンのハンズオン東京クラブのメンバー18名が東北プロジェクトを行いました。生徒たちは宮城県亘理郡山元町のナス農園で農作業を手伝いました。また、"Moody's Japan Baking for Tohoku Project" で、ムーディーズグループジャパン合同会社の社員の皆さんがデコレートして下さったクッキーを山元町のふじ幼稚園にお届けしました。2日目は雄勝町の「O-Link House」で雑草などを刈り取りお花を植えました。ボランティアの皆さん、どうもありがとうございました!

■Tohoku Project

The Hands On Tokyo Tohoku Project took place on Saturday, June 10th, and Sunday, June 11th. We took 18 members of the Hands On Tokyo Club at the American School in Japan.The students helped farmers in Yamamoto-cho, Miyagi prefecture, in an eggplant field. We also delivered cookies decorated by volunteers at the Moody's Japan Baking for Tohoku Project to Fuji Kindergarten in Yamamoto-cho. On the second day, the volunteers worked at the "O-link House" in Ogatsu-cho, Miyagi prefecture. We helped clear a garden of weeds and plant new flowers. A big thank you to our volunteers for their efforts!



6月13日(火)に済生会乳児院飾り付けプロジェクトを行いました。今回のテーマは “Under the Sea”。海に住む生き物でデザインしました。きれいな魚たち、かめ、人魚姫もいました!

■Decoration Project for Saiseikai Infants Home

On Tuesday, June 13th, we held a Decoration Project for the Saiseikai Infants Home. This project's theme was “Under the Sea”. We set up the decoration board with many beautiful fish, turtles and little mermaids!

◇フェイス オブ ハンズオン東京
 Faces of Hands On Tokyo


[お名前 Name]Ken
[ご出身 Hometown ]マレーシア、Malaysia


How did you start volunteering?
"After 3/11, I went up to Tohoku for a week. After coming back to Tokyo, I wanted to do more. I googled for volunteering opportunities in Tokyo, and I found Hands On Tokyo. I have been serving with Hands On Tokyo since 2011."


What volunteering experience stuck with you the most and why?

"Every volunteer activity I attended gave me a different experience and lesson. However the most valuable lesson I got was through volunteering with visually impaired children. They really taught me that you do not have to “see” with your eyes, but instead you can “see” with your heart."


What do you hope to accomplish through volunteering?
"Through volunteering, I hope to be able to continuously give back to the Japanese society and people, from whom I received so much."

発行:特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Executive Tower Azabudai #402
1-4-3 Azabudai Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0041
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2017 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo
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