Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2018/5/1
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター

◇ハンズオン東京 春のチャリティ・コンサート 2018
 Hands On Tokyo Spring Charity Concert 2018
◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest
◇ハンズオン東京 LIVES フードトラック プロジェクト
 LIVES Food Truck Project at Hands On Tokyo
 Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation

◇ハンズオン東京 春のチャリティ・コンサート 2018
 Hands On Tokyo Spring Charity Concert 2018

東日本大震災から7年目となる今年、2018年3月9日に「第5回 ハンズオン東京スプリングチャリティーコンサート 2018」が、サントリーホール・ブルーローズにて開催されました。多様性とコラボレーションをコンセプトにしたこのコンサートは、ポップス、日本の伝統音楽、ピアノ、ヴォーカルと、多くの方々が楽しめるような構成で行われました。この特別なイベントのために時間と才能を捧げてくれたすべてのパフォーマーに心より感謝いたします。

Last Call(ポップス)
  スティーブ・サトウ(ギター) & マイケル・ボーディン(ボーカル)
  feat. Bob(ドラム) & Mac(ベース)




The Fifth Annual Hands On Tokyo Spring Charity Concert 2018 was held at Suntory Hall, Blue Rose on March 9th, almost seven years to the day after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck off the Tohoku coastline.

The event centered around the diversity of the performers and their original collaborations amongst one another, and included pop anthems, traditional Japanese music, a pianist and vocalists. It was a very special event, and we want to thank all the performers for donating their time and talents to this event.

Last Call (Pop Group),
 Steve Sato (Guitar) and Michael Bodin (Vocal)
 Featuring Bob (Drums) and Mac (Bass Guitar)
Masaki Nakamura (Shakuhachi), Yoshiaki Ohkawa (Koto)
Tomohiro Adachi (Piano)
Beverly (Vocal)

250 people attended the event and we raised significant funds for people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in Tohoku. This past year we were able to send volunteers up to Tohoku several times, including a group of boy scouts. Our volunteers did crucial tasks such as helping clear and prepare farmland and maintain a community building. We also organized the Baseball Project for Disaster Relief for middle school baseball teams (including a co-ed team) from Tohoku, Kumamoto, and Tokyo.

With your generous support, we will continue to pursue meaningful projects in Tohoku, and to raise further awareness about the plight of those residing in Tohoku. We hope that you will continue to stay involved with our organization and watch how we grow our volunteer activities this year.

MCs were Manami Hasebe and Alisa Kotani (British American Tobacco Japan)

ラストコール feat. ボブ & Mac
Last Call Featuring Bob and Mac

Masaki Nakamura (Shakuhachi), Yoshiaki Ohkawa (Koto)

Tomohiro Adachi (Piano)
Beverly (Vocal)
We welcomed an audience of around 250 people.
Greetings from the Executive Director of Hands on Tokyo, Motoko Kawaguchi.
The event was a wonderful success, and all of us greatly appreciate your support!
Sponsor: British American Tobacco Japan

*Photos / @draycat.x

◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest


■東北プロジェクト with ASIJ ハンズオン東京クラブ

4月7日(土)、8日(日)にアメリカンスクール イン ジャパンのハンズオン東京クラブと東北プロジェクトを行いました。初めての福島市でのプロジェクト。お手伝いさせていただいた皆さんは本当に素敵な方々ばかり! 加藤ファミリー、お二人の阿部さん、とがしさん、ありがとうございました。ASIJ の皆さん、おつかれさまでした!

■Tohoku Project with ASIJ Hands On Tokyo Club

Hands On Tokyo Tohoku Project with ASIJ Hands On Tokyo Club was held on April 7th (Saturday) and 8th (Sunday). Our very first project in Fukushima Prefecture. We fell in love with people there! Thank you so very much to the Kato family, the Abe-sans and Togashi-san. Great job ASIJ Hands On Tokyo Club!




■筑波大学付属視覚特別支援学校 英会話


■English Conversation at the Special Needs Education School for the Visually Impaired, University of Tsukuba

On Sunday, March 10th, we held an English Conversation Program for visually impaired high school students. This English Conversation Program was initiated and is managed by students from the School for the Visually Impaired, University of Tsukuba, for the purpose of cultural exchange and learning English. This time, we went to Yokohama with the students and enjoyed the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Yokohama Motomachi.



■Sign Language Cafe

4月14日(土)に「Sign Language Cafe」を開催しました。「Sign Language Cafe」は、聴覚障がいのある方たちとのコミュニケーションをもっとスムーズにしたい! という思いからスタートした、楽しく手話を学ぶワークショップです。次回は5月12日(土)開催です。

■Sign Language Cafe

Hands On Tokyo organized a Sign Language Cafe on April 14th (Saturday). We would like to communicate more with hearing impaired persons. We hope this project will provide an opportunity to learn and use Sign Language. The Sign Language Cafe is a fun workshop for learning Sign Language.The next session will be held on Saturday, May 12th.

◇ハンズオン東京 LIVES フードトラック プロジェクト
 LIVES Food Truck Project at Hands On Tokyo


LIVES フードトラック プロジェクトのゴールは、日本中の障がい者、スペシャルニーズの皆さんと、一緒に働き、生活する環境をどのように作り上げるかを、若い世代の人たちに学んでもらうことです。



次世代の若者たちが、どのようにすれば、誰でも受け入れるような働き方や生活の環境を作り上げることができるのかを学ぶことにより、何かを変えることができます。どうぞ、この LIVES フードトラック プロジェクトに、ご支援、ご寄付をお願いいたします。


Information on LIVES Food Truck Project at Hands On Tokyo:

The goal of the LIVES Food Truck Project is to educate youth on how to create inclusive working and living environments for special needs or disabled people throughout Japan.

In Japan, often times individuals with special needs or disabilities are viewed as unequal contributors to society. Instead of seeking ways to include and provide real opportunities for them, companies often will not hire people who do not fit their traditional recruitment profile. We at Hands On Tokyo seek to reverse this mind set by giving youth opportunities to work directly with special needs and disabled people on a food truck that will circulate between campuses. Beverages and food will be prepared and sold by special needs and disabled individuals and college and high school students will provide on-site support for them.

We hope that, through exposure and collaboration, our young volunteers will learn how to empower and assist special needs and disabled individuals. The lessons they will learn from the close relationships they develop on the truck will help them shape working and living environments that are accessible to everyone in Japan.

Change is achievable when the next generation has knowledge about how to shape an inclusive working and living environment. Please consider making an investment in the creation of a more empathetic and inclusive Japan by supporting the LIVES Food Truck Project.

※ [ Please Click Here ] to donate or spread the word!

 Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation

Hands On Tokyo has been approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as an "Approved Specified Nonprofit Corporation" in December 2017.

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135, Fax: 03-3583-2127
Copyright (C) 2018 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo


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please e-mail us at; information@handsontokyo.org.