Hands On Tokyo Newsletter 2018/10/30
認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 ニュースレター

 Baseball Project for Disaster Relief
◇ハンズオン東京 プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Hands On Tokyo Project Report Digest

 Baseball Project for Disaster Relief

開催日:2018年8月10日(金) ~ 13日(月)
【東北】石巻市立蛇田中学校 野球部
【熊本】九州学院 野球部
【港区】港区軟式野球連盟 選抜チーム

When: August 10 - August 13, 2018
【Tohoku】Ishinomaki Shiritsu Hebita Middle School Baseball Team
【Kumamoto】Kyushu Gakuin Baseball Team
【Minato-ku】Boys’ Nanshiki Baseball Association Selection Team


First held in 2016, our baseball project to assist revitalization of disaster struck areas had its 3rd successful project in August. 53 students and coaches from Tohoku, Kumamoto and Minato-ku enjoyed a 4-day project with training, playing a baseball game against each team, participating in a workshop and volunteering with the theme of “remember earthquakes”and to “develop leaders of the future in their respective communities”.

石巻市立蛇田中学校 野球部
Ishinomaki Shiritsu Hebita Middle School Baseball Team

九州学院 野球部
Kyushu Gakuin Baseball Team
港区軟式野球連盟 選抜チーム
Boys’ Nanshiki Baseball Association Selection Team
Welcome Luncheon at U.S. Ambassador’s Residence
Guest: Ms. Ayaka Hirahara
Photo Shoot with Ms. Ayaka Hirahara
Boot Camp Led by U.S. Marines at U.S. Ambassador’s Residence
MLBから子どもたちに、MLB のユニフォームをプレゼント
Gift for the Children: Major League Baseball Team Uniforms
MLB 野球教室。コーチは元MLB選手の斎藤隆氏
MLB Baseball Clinic by Former MLB Player, Mr. Takashi Saito
元MLB選手 斎藤隆氏
Former MLB Player, Mr. Takashi Saito
Friendly Game at Baseball Ground
Friendly Games on the Second and Third Days
ワークショップ「Baseball Team Design Discussion」
Workshop ‘Baseball Team Design Discussion’
Reception Guest: Former MLB Player, Mr. Warren Cromartie
Music Performance by Last Call
Volunteer Activity: Making 100 Care Bags (Heat Stroke Prevention Sets) that Were Sent to Kurashiki-city, Okayama.
特別協力:Major League Baseball
協賛:平原綾香 Jupiter 基金、米国大使館、株式会社東横イン、株式会社プログレッシブ、京王観光株式会社、与那嶺財団、DEAN & DELUCA、コカコーラボトラーズジャパン株式会社
写真:安藤 晃
Organized by NPO Hands on Tokyo
Special cooperation by Major League Baseball
Sponsors: Hirahara Ayaka Jupiter Foundation, The United States Embassy, Toyoko Inn, Progressive, Keio Kankou, Wally Yonamine Foundation, DEAN & DELUCA, Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan
Special thanks to Minato Sports Association and Boys’ Nanshiki Baseball Association
Photo: Akira Ando

◇プロジェクトレポート ダイジェスト
 Project Report Digest




このプロジェクトは、水害・土砂災害による清掃作業や避難所運営など、被災地で過酷な作業をするボランティアさんたちの体調面や心理的負担を配慮したサポートをしたいという思いからスタート。AMEX ボランティアの皆さんが、栄養補助食品や熱中症対策のタブレットが入った応援メッセージ付きのパッケージをひとつひとつ丁寧に作ってくださいました。このパッケージは、現地で作業する198名の災害ボランティアさんにお渡しすることができました。災害直後から現地で活動を続けているボランティアさんたちの手助けになればうれしいです。


■AMEX: Emergency Supplies for Rescue Volunteers

On Thursday, August 9th, the Emergency Supplies for Rescue Volunteers Project was held at the AMEX Osaka Office.

Together with the AMEX Osaka team, we could meaningfully contribute to rescue efforts in response to July’s devastating torrential rains and flooding in Western Japan. AMEX volunteers made individual packages of emergency supplies to be delivered to rescue volunteers working in the field. The emergency packages successfully reached several volunteer sites and were distributed to 198 rescue volunteers. The packages included food and water provisions and messages of encouragement. Given the harsh conditions faced by rescue volunteers, provisions such as these were of immense support.

Hands On Tokyo expresses our deepest gratitude to American Express for your continued partnership with our organization.




■Dialogue in Silence

Hands On Tokyo volunteers participated the 'Dialogue in Silence' event held on Friday, August 10th, beginning with the concept, "Moving Beyond Speech". Participants wore headsets to block sounds and went through various programs including sign language with an attendant having a hearing impairment. It was a great opportunity for volunteers from different countries to interact despite the differences in language and culture. The attendees enjoyed writing in a blank book handed to them at the end of the program, and were excited to hear that the books will come back to them on the bookshelves at the venue.


■ありすの杜 スマイルプロジェクト

9月19日(水) に「ありすの杜 スマイルプロジェクト」を行いました。ハンズオン東京のボランティアは、入居者の皆さんと一緒にスイカ割りを楽しみました。このプロジェクトでは、特別養護老人ホームで生活されている認知症の高齢者の方々を対象に、季節に合わせて、楽しいプログラムを提供しています。次回は11月21日(水)に開催します。ぜひご参加ください!

■The Arisu no Mori Smile Project

The Arisu no Mori Smile Project was held on Wednesday, July 18th. The residents of Arisu no Mori senior home and Hands On Tokyo volunteers enjoyed a watermelon splitting game. In this project, we will have fun program at a special elderly nursing home. All the residents have Alzheimer disease. The next session will take place on Wednesday, November 21st. If you are available to help, we would love for you to join us!


★LIVES TOKYO 2018 の詳細レポートは改めてご紹介いたします。

★The report for the “LIVES TOKYO 2018” will be in an upcoming issue of this newsletter.


ハンズオン東京が主催する、障がい者のための働き方改革プロジェクトのイベント「LIVES TOKYO 2018」が、9月16日(日)に東京ミッドタウンで行われました。イベント成功のためにご尽力くださった皆さま、どうもありがとうございました!


Hands On Tokyo organized “LIVES TOKYO 2018” on Sunday, September 16th, at Tokyo Midtown. LIVES TOKYO 2018 is a project to change the working environment for people with disabilities. Thank you for all your help ensuring our event was a great success!

(Photo: Akira Ando)


★The report for the “Day Of Service” will be in an upcoming issue of this newsletter.

■デイ・オブ・サービス 2018


■Day Of Service 2018

Hands On Tokyo's Day Of Service was held on Sunday, October 21st, at the Higashi Azabu Kumin Kyodo Space. A big Hands On Tokyo thank you goes out to all our volunteers and partners for a great day!

発行:認定特定非営利活動法人ハンズオン東京 Hands On Tokyo
Gardenia Roppongi #101, 5-16-46 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Tel: 03-3583-2135 | Fax: 03-3583-2127 | info@handsontokyo.org
Copyright (C) 2018 All Rights Reserved by Hands On Tokyo


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